July Broadcast Scriptural Error- FDS/Helper Fail.

by Hold Me-Thrill Me 14 Replies latest jw friends

  • The_Doctor10

    All JWs just accept what is said to them by the GB, doesn't matter what it is, they'll buy it wholesale. Jdub R&F are EXACTLY like the Christendom they profess to abhor, they just like to "have their ears tickled." No thinking required, only blindly follow the leaders.

  • Hold Me-Thrill Me
    Hold Me-Thrill Me

    The current GB is like a preteen trying on her older sister's prom dress. Problem is they are much shorter than their predecessors and their breasts are non-existent.

    Small men who will never fill the shoes of Fred Franz or Nathan Knorr. Not that those men were by any means free from error, no. But at least they were able to give the appearance of being real. Splane and company cannot even do that.

    They are cartoon caricatures unable to give even the appearance of being Christ's disciples. Jokers, liars, false brothers, murderers who though knowing their history continue to do what is in their best interests! They turn away from the lessons that should have been learned and sin even more than their predecessors.

    They have made an idol of themselves and have made money their god. They have no fear of God or love for the struggling brothers and sisters in the congregations around the world. They put on smiling faces at assemblies and conventions. They say "loving" things and embrace those who approach them in idolizing waiting lines.

    But in truth, they are filthy men who do not deserve the love of those who would give their lives just on their word alone. Filthy men, not worth the oxygen God provided. Men who imitate the scribes and pharisees of Jesus' day. Men who would have put Christ to death if he dared to prove their religion faulty. Men who demean God's Name. Men who are hypocrites and white washed graves.

    As Jesus said, by their fruits we will know them. The Governing Body produces poisonous fruit by making themselves God's mouthpiece. A position no man holds but Christ!


  • steve2
    The only worthwhile question a JW in good standing silently harbors during jw.org broadcasts is, not when will this system end, but when will this broadcast end? I don't think your average JW has the inclination and/or ability to critically evaluate the content of the GB's broadcasts, let alone that of the organization's official teachings and policies
  • Oubliette
    I suggest you quit trying to make sense out of nonsense. Trust me, you'll feel better.
  • Listener
    Let's see if he has it corrected.

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