Shunned & I don't seem to care. Can u relate?

by joeshmoe 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • The Alchemist
    The Alchemist

    I'm with Gary Bus on this one, thanks Gary! Shunning is a blessing in disguise. I have got a new family and the best from the old family and yes a whole bunch of new and interesting friends. Not the braindead zombiefied WT losers I had before. (a little bitterness remains)

  • SPAZnik

    "So what", is about right.

    Being shunned doesn't much botha me. (Being JUDGED is slightly annoying
    but being shunned is nuthin to write home about. lol).

    I found it to be an incredible relief to be left the hell alone by my dysfunctional family and pushy jdub friends.

    I too wuz "fading away", but when one persistantly nosey intrusive friend and certain family members wouldn't back off, so I basically gave what info wuz needed to be df'd.

    I was very matter of fact about it all with the JC, to the point that one elder nearly lost his temper with me saying, "how do you know what we are going to do".

    I stopped short of saying, "you are going to df me because, and only because, I want you to and am allowing it." lol.

    I wanted out but I hadn't made a firm decision between DF or DA. I couldn't imagine DAing myself at the time. And family and friends were not letting me fade, so DF wuz the way. I gave them what info they needed to do it.

    I wuz initially somewhat surprised at the ENORMOUS level of relief i experienced.

    It felt like a haven from all the chaos and pressures of the borg. It was a relief to no longer have a bunch of imperfect people pushing me in all directions in the name of God, telling me how high to jump.

    They did me a favour.

    My only concern is how will i handle things if my folks get old and i'm s'posedta take care of them.

    In the meantime, I'm basically an orphan. People have survived being orphaned.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    I don't consider the Witnesses to be good association so I shun them.

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