by minimus 64 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mimilly

    Oh Minimus ... I never meant that you intended anything evil. Good gosh no! I just see the 'potential' for this to blow up, which I really hope does not happen.

    The peace and quiet around here has been blissful. If someone misses any who left, I'm sure there is a way to get a hold of them.

    I love this place. ((((((((Minimus))))))))


  • c5

    I liked the board before, but I like it even better now.

  • patio34

    I have really loved the peaceable atmosphere here and quiet way things are discussed. Last year I almost quit the board once or twice because of the discord. But now it's a great place to visit.


  • ozziepost

    That's so nice to hear, Pat. I must say, it's made me feel rather "off" too. But how nice to be able to just "talk" again.

    A big thank you to everybody.

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • abbagail

    LOL!@Ozzie's first reply!

    I don't think I've been around long enough to really know the before-before, nor did I know the people who left.

    It does seem to me I don't have to skip over as many threads (the ones that were angry, confrontational, or really obnoxious). Now that you bring it up, I don't recall seeing any like that lately, so I would have to say, Yes! I like knowing there is Peace, and Good Relations All Around permeating the air here! (Now I sound like a Flower Child.)

    Moderators not a problem to me, never were, here or elsewhere.

    All is Well in Gritsland.

    PS: LOL AGAIN@Ozzie's reply below! Gritsland is about four USA states south of Graceland. LOL! (I reached my max of 30 posts in 24 hours, so I'm having to reply via the Edit feature. I hope this isn't against the rules? This is the 2nd time I've reached my max [30 posts] in a little over 3 months' time. Is that a bad sign?)

    Edited by - Grits on 8 September 2002 12:21:29

  • ozziepost

    Now where on the map is Gritsland? Is it anywhere near Greenland? Or maybe Iceland? Finland?

    Oh, I's near Freeland!!

  • SYN

    One has to have a thick skin to survive on virtually ANY XJW board....LOL! One thing that helps is to try not to criticize people for things which you don't know the full circumstances Brothers should try and stick to Spiritually Uplifting (TM) topics!

    [SYN], Fluffer Extraodinaire Class.

  • RR

    I'd have to say the miss the glory days, before all you 'postates came on!

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    SYN, your comments apply across the board, witnesses or not. "If though, you keep on biting and devouring one another, look out that YOU do not get annihilated by one another". Galations 5:15

    Guest 77

  • dsgal

    I don't know what was going on before I arrived but since I've been here I've found this board to be a very warm and friendly place.It has helped me tremendously to post my feelings about what being a JW did to me and to have others with similar experiences answer.I hope this board stays this way because so many people are hurting and need to express their feelings and be heard.I had enough of the back-biting,back-stabbing,gossiping,clique thing when I was in the Borg,that's the last thing anyone needs when they find this site.By the way,I would like to say right now how much I appreciate everyone who has responded to my posts and helped me get over the hurt I experienced as a result of becoming a JW.

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