Sexual Offender in my hall.

by PandaJ 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • scumrat

    Hey PandaJ, Hang the info. on the kindom hall door. Don't worry about ruining his reputation with other people. His reputation was ruined the first time he inapropriately touched a minor.

  • Elsewhere


    That is sick!!! Why would she ruin another person's life just to save face???? I hope she feels mortified for the rest of her life.

  • ApagaLaLuz


    Desperate people do desperate things

  • Jesika

    I agree that you should put flyers up and the info from the site that you found him on. The other parents need to know to protect their children also. You can't ruin a reputation that he has already soiled himself by having this type of craving for young girls. If the case went through court and the court found him guilty then I would believe it with no doubt. The legal system has professionals who know the signs of abused children. If they were lying it would be very hard to fool these people with made up stories.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I would say that between the allegations that you heard and the pictures you saw there is little doubt this man is an active pedophile. As silentlambs suggested anonymously put flyers in the parking lot. Just a few will do. Enough to warn those who need to know

    You might also want to consider talking to the police about what you have found. There is always the chance he will go outside the congregation to find victims.

    Personally I don't think I could live with the guilt if I knew this much and didn't say something and then later found out he got another victim. But then I know what happens from experience when people don't speak out.

    And yup I would agree - never ever leave your chaild alone in the hall. There is absolutely no way to know who to trust

  • Elsewhere

    The problem of sex abuse is already bad enough... but then to have people cry wolf... all that does is cast a shadow of doubt on the legitimate cases.

    I hope she has changed and is no longer like that.

  • Cassiline
    When I was 13 and my best friend at the time was 14, we got in trouble with the elders. My best friend was completely "boy crazy." She would meet guys walking down the street to school. She'd ditch school and go "fool around" with them. When her mom would go to work, she'd sneek them over and "fool around." Well my conscience started to bother me and I went to the elders.~~Chevysntats

    The behavior you speak of IMO shows there were deep seeded problems going on with your friend prior to her making an accusations that you say were later unfounded. It seems she was seeking attention and love from anyone who would offer it to her.

    My question is after you spoke to the elders what action did they take if any to help this promiscuous girl? Remember we are speaking of untrained individuals here who have no expertise to council children, women, men etc. Did they report it to proper authorities?

    At risk of getting in major trouble, she was baptized, she decided to play the victim. He mom just couldn't beleive she would be doing this for no reason. Her mom asked her if she had ever been molested. My friend came up with this elaborate story of touching. She accused her sister's husband, who was 10 years older, of having a relationship with her. I knew this was completely not true. He was a ministerial servant. His wife was gorgeous, and they had 2 small children. I had known him my entire life. ~~Chevysntats

    I wonder what would have taken place if the alleged abuse had been reported to the police or Social Work Services? Perhaps instead of untrained individuals? Maybe the police or SWS would have seen a plea for help? Thus the lie your friend made up may have been ousted with your help before the her uncle's name was smeared.

    Professional intervention is the mainstay of the Silentlambs cause. If the your friend had gotten help in the beginning, with a trained professional, ( instead of a window washer, plumber, etc.) an accusation may have never been made in the first place. She would have had a trained person to talk to, and may not have felt as fragile/exposed and perhaps felt less endangered and may have been able to speak freely of what problems she may have been having.

    Silentlambs call for reporting this and any abuse to the proper authorities. Intervention professionals could have saved your friends reputation and her uncles. If the elders in the hall had reported the alleged abuse as it was reported to them instead of "relying on Jehovah" and men without training.

    I personally don't know what I am going to do next time he tries to talk to me, or gets near my child. I am very tempted to print out the results from and put them all over the kingdom hall in some way or another.


    This information which you stumbled upon is already public information. I believe you should follow your heart and assure the children are protected at ALL costs.

    Edited to add the comment to Panda

    Edited by - cassiline on 6 September 2002 16:25:36

  • BluesBrother
    "I don't want to put young children in the hall at risk ."

    This has got to be your first, last and only consideration.

    If it were not for the fact that his computer records show he is still actively feeding his perversion, perhaps you might have given him the benefit of doubt. But it IS a fact . Do what you have to do.

  • ApagaLaLuz

    You're right about the fact that she was looking for love from anyone. Her father had done time in prison and walked out on her family when she was about 8.

    No one ever got involved. She was overly mature for 14. No one looked at it as "molestation." Rather they saw it as him having an affair.

    The elders worked in service with her and had a bible study with the entire family. Her mother was single

    Her sister was angry because it was her sister.

    She ended up getting married at 18, to a guy who had just gotten out of jail. They've been married 5 years now...

    I haven't talked to her since I was 15

  • LovesDubs

    Send a copy of this to the elders in the hall anonymously, and to HIM to let him know that YOU know. And say if THEY dont tell the will.

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