Sexual Offender in my hall.

by PandaJ 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • PandaJ

    So my wife calls me and says, "My Mom told me there is a Sexual Offender in our hall, but she won't tell me who!".

    I have a small child, so I obviously want to know. Her mom tells her a website where she can search for Sexual Offenders, So she looks around and doesn't find anyone in our area that she recognizes. Her Mom finally tells her who, so when we get home we do a search on that site for his name. Bingo!

    In 1995 he was charged for Indecency with a child / Sexual Contact, on two different girls. One 13, one 17.

    My Wife's Mother tells her that he was, "Falsely accused" by the girls, because they were just mad at him for him marrying their mother. So apparently these girls were his step-children.

    Is that possible? I suppose so. I personally couldn't believe that if this was a lie on the girls parts, they would be able to make up a story, have it match, press charges and carry it through, all on a lie. It is possible I suppose, but highly unlikely. It shows he wis status as, "Discharged" which means he isn't on parole or probation. Of course anyone who has this kind of past will have some sort of story that justifies it or an excuse why he has this kind of past.

    This Sexual Offender is someone I have talked with on several occasions and have actually been to his house twice, to help with his computer. Then something hits me. I remember that the first time I went over, a few months ago, I opened up his browser for whatever reason, and in the history bar I saw a bunch of web sites that included the word, "teen" in them. Such as, and Not those sites exactly, but I just remember seeing a long list of porno sites, all relating to teens. They looked like sites that you would get in spam e-mails, real generic. However if you click a link it does not show up in your history bar as being typed in. Those sites were manually typed in, that I have no doubt about.

    I couldn't believe this didn't register when I was first told he was a Sexual Offender, but when I first saw the sites many months ago I just closed the browser quickly and thought to myself he was just some old pervert, not *that* big of a deal.

    My Wife told her Mother that I had seen those sites on his computer and she simply said, "Oh my." and not another thing about it since.

    I personally don't know what I am going to do next time he tries to talk to me, or gets near my child. I am very tempted to print out the results from and put them all over the kingdom hall in some way or another.

    In one hand I don't want to ruin this persons association with everyone he knows, I mean, if this gets out I can't imagine how everyone would treat him. Does what he did justify how he would be treated if everyone knew. I don't want to put young children in the hall at risk so I feel responsible to tell everyone.

    Your opinions?

  • imanaliento

    Please -- know where your child is at all times !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Follow them, even if they have to go to the bathroom. Also I hope someone else is watching this offender, they will be at it again.!

  • orangefatcat

    Well let me get this straight If you were working on this guys computer and you opened his browser and there were things pertaining to teens and nakedness, well I dare say this person is for sure a pervert, as no JW would be in such a place. It appears to me that this guy is a sicko and I would most certainly believe those young girls who were subjected to sexual indecency/sexual contact are in fact telling the truth and this man should be reported to the authorities and his computer be proof. BTW how did your mother become privy to this information? Do you think you"ll report him to the elders? Just wondering.


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    My dad and some of his friends raped me until I was 5 years old. Then it stopped, almost overnight. My dad is a normal looking guy. There's nothing special about him. If you met him, you'd think he was a good guy. He's still a ministerial servant in good standing; he even had a part on a circuit assembly a couple of years ago as an example of how good parents should raise their children. That's the thing about sexual offenders. They look normal (what is normal anyway?). They act like everyone else. They are the original "wolf in sheep's clothing". If I were you, I would change KHs this instant; not that another one is necessarily safer, but this is one place where you know beyond a shadow of a doubt who and what you're dealing with. One other thing about pedophiles. They don't change. They will continue to hunt and attack children until the day they die. If you care about the safety of your children, leave immediately. Would you let your children swim in an area where you knew a great white shark was trolling for food? If that is not possible, then you need to seriously look at 1) staying away from that KH until this "person" leaves; or 2) never, and I mean NEVER, let your children out of your sight. Do you know what that means? That means when they get up to get a drink water during the meeting, you go with them. When they go to the bathroom you go with them. If they go outside to play with their friends after the meeting, you go with them. Do not attend any congregation get-togethers if this "person" attends.

    After reading this, I can see where many people would think me paranoid or over-reactive. It's certainly possible, but I would rather be that type of parent, and have my children grow up safe than to be an overly trusting fool and find out 20 years later this thing in your congregation attacked and raped them. Just my opinion.

  • LB

    I'd feel obligated to turn those files over. Obligated.

  • silentlambs

    13 and 17 years olds do not use rape as a way to punish their step fathers. It is once again proof of how victims are called liars by congregation gossips. I would plaster his picture all over the parking lot anonymously and let the cards fall where they may at least the congregation coudl be warned and no one could come after you then. So it goes in the pedophile paradise, where you have to live in fear for trying to warn brothers and sisters to protect their children.


  • ugg


  • amac

    Is he a registered sex offender? I'm not sure the different laws for different states, but if he has to register than it is no secret and should not be kept one by the congregation.

  • Francois

    Jesus. I mean the level of ignorance "lack of knowledge" about sexual offenders is just incredible.

    MOST sex offenders are trusted family friends, uncles, brothers, step fathers/brothers, cousins, etc. People who, by God, you'd trust your children with. That's why everyone is so surprised when the truth hits the fan. And when I say MOST, I mean most as in 90% most.

    Turn over those files and pat yourself on the back. Then come over here and I'll pat you on the back. Then I'll get my next door neighbor to pat you on the back, then....


  • ApagaLaLuz

    here's a little story.... take it for what you will....

    When I was 13 and my best friend at the time was 14, we got in trouble with the elders. My best friend was completely "boy crazy." She would meet guys walking down the street to school. She'd ditch school and go "fool around" with them. When her mom would go to work, she'd sneek them over and "fool around." Well my conscience started to bother me and I went to the elders.

    At risk of getting in major trouble, she was baptized, she decided to play the victim. He mom just couldn't beleive she would be doing this for no reason. Her mom asked her if she had ever been molested. My friend came up with this elaborate story of touching. She accused her sister's husband, who was 10 years older, of having a relationship with her. I knew this was completely not true. He was a ministerial servant. His wife was gorgeous, and they had 2 small children. I had known him my entire life.

    I called my friend out on it later. She admitted to me that she had made it up. Meanwhile, his wife was told about. She freaked out and left with the kids. His parent's freaked out. And he was removed as a MS. I told them that my friend admitted to making up the story. It took years for him to live down the accusation.

    While I'm not defending the guy in your hall. I absolutely believe that 14 and 17 year olds are capable of making things up. I remember what I was like at 14. I certainly knew too much. And even today's 10 year olds are so far from innocent.

    jm 2 cents

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