Ok...College football anyone??

by safe4kids 34 Replies latest social physical

  • safe4kids


    So tell me, is there such a thing as Women's American Football?

    Not that I'm aware of, but it gives rise to an interesting thought...how 'bout an all-female JW.com football team?? Just think of the possibilities! LOL

    Hiyas Jack

    I have serious doubts as to whether the Gators are going to be anywhere near decent in the next couple of years. Spurrier's leaving was a very sad day for us Gator fans...why, I remember walking 20 miles in the snow, uphill both ways, just to see Spurrier coach! I wish him all the best in his new career path but I wish to hell he'd never left Gainesville!

    Hey (((((((Joy))))))I'm so happy for your son! Thanks for sharing that. I know that going to any kind of game where one of my kids is playing is just as exciting (and nerve wracking! LOL) for me as any college or pro game is for the coaches! Here's hoping for a succesful and injury free season for your son

    Truth...er, I'm happy for you?? LOL


    Dude! I'm with ya! Baseball is boring anyway...and don't get me started about how unjust it is that here in America, we pay our athletes top dollar while teachers and social workers and other social service providers languish in poverty...jesus, do we have our priorities out of whack or what??!

    Hey! Is it only me, or do others of you just love this season?? It's my favorite time of year, even tho we don't really have much of a 'fall' season here in Florida...but I love the way the air changes, football (both pro and college), the holidays...sometimes, it's so great to be alive


  • expatbrit
    how 'bout an all-female JW.com football team??

    Snippets overheard from a game in the new WNFL:

    "Does this body-armor make my butt look fat?"

    "No sweetie! Love your body!"

    "Wouldn't it be better if we talked about our negative feelings with the other team? Maybe we could compromise on a tie!"

    "Hey girls, get a load of the tight butt on that peanut seller!"

    "Aaaaaaarrrrggghhh!!! I got sacked! And I broke a nail!!!!"

    "And now the teams are going into their huddles. Wait a minute! They're all going into the same huddle! It's a group hug!"

    "While they're doing that, John, perhaps you'd like to tells us your opinion on changing the periods from quarters to sixteenths to allow more bathroom breaks."

    "Now Bob, you know we're not allowed to call them periods anymore....."


  • dubla


  • cellomould

    Hey Dana,

    How are you?!

    I am going to try to see the Redskins when I am in DC...should get my tix now. By the way, is Florida's new stadium open yet? I think the construction was still underway when I visited the campus. Such a rich school that is.


  • LDH

    LOL @ Expatbrit.

    Crazy, that Wisconsin game was carrying some heavy-duty bad karma after that illegal tackle.

    I knew as soon as I saw him hit the receiver we were going to lose that game. That was the only game we lost last season.

    I would've liked to kick his pansy-ass.

    I am a football junkie. I am sick to my stomach that Howie won't be doing the NFL on Fox this year.


  • BeautifulGarbage

    Another Fresno State fan here.

    My sister is a fulltime student there.

    I've been so busy getting the kids prepared for school that I haven't been following them so far this year.

    Oh well, I can always ask Lisa!


    Edited by - BeautifulGarbage on 30 August 2002 15:34:2

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Hook 'em Horns! All the way to a national championship this year!!

  • Oldhippie

    Big Tex...took the words right outta my mouth. I'm lookin' forward to seeing Cedric Benson make his run for the Heisman!

  • ConnieLynn

    GO VOLS!!!!!!

  • jst_me

    even though I am totally opposed to the mascot, I must root for my alma mater

    Florida State! Florida State! Florida State!


    ps...hey ConnieLynn, ain't it great to be a florida gator HATER???


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