My Disfellowshipping

by silentlambs 87 Replies latest jw friends

  • In_between_days

    Bill, I have'nt responded to your posts before, but I always read them, and am marvelled by a man who stands up for what is right.

    You are nothing short of an absolute hero and legend. Thank You


  • StinkyPantz

    Wow, you simply amaze me! Although I've never met you I felt so much pride reading your post. You are an incredible person, I hope you never forget that.

    Edited by - StinkyPantz on 16 August 2002 4:2:55

  • BugParadise

    LOL @ Dakota

    And way to Go Bill!!

  • Sunspot

    Well, it certainly seems as if our "resident David" has extended a mighty blow to the "WTS Goliath"!!!!

    What courage it must have taken to stand and face all the familiar, loving "Brothers", and tell it like it IS! (courtesy of Aaron Neville)

    All of Bill's "proceedings and actions" were appropriate and dignified.......

    UNTIL ...... the final departure revving up the truck......

    YAY!!!!! (Ya GOTTA love him!!!)

    THE BIGGEST HUGS you, Sheila, and the kids~


    PS-----Bill..I hadn't looked at the pictures yet when I sent the private email about the COWARDS!!!

  • Salud

    Way to go Bill!!

    Thank you for your courage and determination.

    And the judicial committee wheel of injustice continue rolling...

  • Pathofthorns

    That is one hell of an exit. The picture of you speaking to the JW's during the meeting is powerful. It will be interesting to see how the reporter covers the story.

    I really enjoyed Joe's letter to the members of the congregation. I am sure the information he dropped in about Chitty and Greenlees will raise a few eyebrows and his non-confrontational and respectful manner will go over much better than had he been otherwise.

    I realize you are very angry like all of us over how these people operate and how they treated you and abused children. I would suggest to you though that since you are a spectacle it would be more effective to tone down the angry type of speech with all of the little potshots at the WT that you opened your post with. Such speech plays into the WT's hands whereas a letter like Joe's leaves many JW's perplexed and thinking.

    Good luck in your post JW life and thanks for your fearless and tireless efforts.


  • SYN

    This has to be one of the most moving posts I've ever seen on this board. Way to go Bill! You've made the Silentlambs PROUD!

  • blondie

    Bill and Sheila,

    My heart cries for you. But I am glad you followed your conscience and your hearts showing real love for the children victimized in the WTS organization.

    All these things are edging me out the door. I am trying to leave quietly and put my energies into areas where I feel I can do some real good.

    I think of biblexaminer and how he manages to stay in being an elder and all even having to conduct the WT study. I am just a lowly sister. When the articles contain too much vomit on certain issues, I can stay home. Recently at a book study, the conductor asked a question that no one in the audience would answer because all had been betrayed by the elders in some form or fashion and could not bring themselves to say the elders were refreshing sources of help. The conductor finally had to answer the question.

    As OldHippie said

    Some of us keep quiet and continue; we keep our heads down and outwardly comply to much, but there are paragraphs in the Watchtower study or in KM inserts which we never comment on or reply to when questions are asked, never in public, never to others. To close friends yes, but we keep quiet to others.
    Some of us continue. And we wait. And wait. We have patience. Our happiness, our zeal is gone, broken by harsh procedures by an organization which looks not at people but at hours used.
    The September 15, 2002 WT article, "Keep Practicing the Things You Have Learned," is an all out effort to diffuse the things said in the media and on the internet about the Silentlambs issue. Reading it has made me sick to my stomach.

    I am glad Silentlambs exists to help others. If my situation had happened today rather than over 30 years ago, I would be using these resources to help myself and my siblings. Of all of us, I am the only one who is not depressed, suicidal, deep into drugs and alcohol, and/or married to an abusive spouse. One contact with one sibling was a phone call saying, "I'm so depressed and I can't ask anyone for help because I'm an elder."

    I did find help outside the congregation, thank goodness for that. I have used my experience to help others inside and outside the congregation which has continued to help me. So don't give up Bill and Sheila, Barb and Joe, the Pandelo family, Erica, Heidi and Amber, and everyone else that has been abused twice first by the abuser and second by the elders and the WTS. You are my heroes.


  • Larry

    Simply Amazing!!!

    Bill your courage goes beyond the JW world - You are a fighter for human rights.

    I can't wait to see what else you have up your sleeve :)

    Oh, are you going to try and get reinstated so you can work from the inside and give them more hell?

    Peace my Brother - LL

  • Francois

    I wish I'd gone out like a shooting star like that.

    I did manage to get C.B.Mitchell removed as an elder, but that wasn't occasion for much celebration.

    You will be in NY on 9/27, I reckon?

    - francois

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