Last Days Reconsidered?

by comforter 32 Replies latest jw friends

  • NeonMadman
    The signs of the times look clear. Child kidnappings, serial killers, wars, suicide and homicide bombers and more problems than you shake stick at.

    What scriptures can you direct me to that indicate that child kidnappings, serial killers, suicide and homicide bombers are "signs of the times"? Jesus never mentioned any of those things (notice I left wars out of the list; I'll give you that one). Jesus mentioned a specific list of things that would constitute the end time, he didn't just say, "when a whole bunch of bad stuff happens".

    The bible also say that people would say it aint the last days in the last days.

    The Bible did say that there would be scoffers in the last days. Which is not the same thing as saying that whenever there are scoffers, we are in the last days. When people advance lame ideas, they deserve to be scoffed at. I remember when I was a JW, many of the brothers would scoff at doctrines of Christendom which are far more scriptural than their own teachings. One that comes to mind is the visible return of Christ, which is clearly taught in scripture. So were those JW's who ignorantly made fun of that doctrine the "scoffers" who would ask, "where is his promised coming?"

    There are more, such as AIDS and diseases like west nile virus.
    Never has there been such a time when people are afraid to come out of there homes or afriad to stay in them
    women in Louisaiana are afriad to go out at night
    racism and sexism

    Again, things that have no biblical justification as signs of the end. I guess that if you are convinced that the end is close, everything you read in the papers is going to appear to you as some sort of fulfillment of prophecy. I knew a JW just like that. He subscribed to Time magazine, and every new issue gave him more reasons to believe that the end was imminent (and I mean really imminent - he never thought it was more than two months away). But such obsession did not convince others of his mental health, especially as year after year went by with the end no closer (yet, in his mind, no farther away, either).

    those who want to believe will believe. those who do not will not.

    The ultimate cop-out of one who is incapable of proving his case.

    The bibler say that faith is not a possession of all people.

    Faith is also not accepting wild claims that lack proof. I could claim that there are little purple men with orange polka dots living on the planet Pluto, and when you say you don't believe it, I could simply respond that "faith is not a possession of all people". Faith is based upon reality and evidence. It is, as the New World Translation puts it, "the evident [i.e., based upon evidence] demostration of realities, though not beheld".

    it is not only the events that constitute the last days but the time period and the fact that we have a composite sign in our time.

    It is highly questionable whether we have a composite sign in our time. I'd suggest the book, The Sign of the Last Days, by Herbst and Jonsson, but I'm sure you'd just rear back and claim that you don't read apostate literature, even though you do so daily on this board.

    that don't mean the end will never come.

    Straw man argument. No one has said the end will never come. Even atheists acknowledge that the world will end some day, in some way. What is crystal clear from scripture and history, however, is that the end will never come in the way that Jehovah's Witnesses expect.

    it depend on what you mean by quality of life. materially, people might be better off. but i do not feel people are today better off mentally, spiritually or existentially.
    You are absolutely entitled to your own opinion, comfy. But if you expect to come here and proclaim it as something others should accept as true, you need to have some evidence with you when you do so.
  • Jesus Christ
    Jesus Christ

    You're nowhere near the last days. You've still got millions of years until the end of mankind. Despite whatever little things that may be horrible for you folks now or how much you may over react things aren't as bad as they have been in the past nor as bad as they will get when the sun dies out. Besides, in the bible doesn't it say that no matter how hard idiots may try they'd never be able to guess when the world's going to end?
    Not only that but by your own reasoning the end is nowhere near in sight. You're going on about how the end must near because of how horrible people THINK the world is. The world is supposed to end only when people are crying "Peace and security." You yourself talked about how even though life isn't as bad as it has been in the past people are acting like its worse now and how they're afraid to leave the house. Hardly sounds like they're calling out peace and security does it? You yourself, are arguing about how the end of the world isn't even near. So hey, don't worry about the world ending, get comfortable, because we're all going to be here for a while.

    Jesus Christ, answering once again the question of "If Jesus Christ himself registered and started posting here would Comforter stop being such an idiot?"

  • sunshineToo



    I would love to have dinner with you, Crazy151drinker and Lucy. You guys are just too funny!

    Comfy, do you know Bleepy? Are you guys related?

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