If you had any doubts about the pitifully poor mental prowess of Watchtower and JWs in general ...

by Island Man 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Vidiot

    "...as it were..."

    Shades of Dick Cheney.

  • ssn587
    My feelings for many years as a dub was why pray no one is listening, hated it when asked to pray, I probably said the shortest prayers. And intentionally avoided situations where I might be called on to pray. A useless endeavor unless of course you enjoyed hearing your on voice.
  • brandnew
    Simplify your life? In other words.....sell the house , car, motorcycles, etc...donate all funds to watchtower, and be happy to preach.
  • galaxie
    The closer I drew to jehovah ,the more I realised it was just a mirage...!!!
  • smiddy


    I liked that , I must remember it ,I will write it down so I don`t forget .Thanks .


  • Heaven

    How Real Is Your Relationship With Jehovah?

    Just as real as my relationship with the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and Santa Claus.

  • The_Doctor10

    It's absolutely asinine what the GB preaches about if you feel Jehovah's approval from your relationship with/prayer to him.

    The scripture says something very different, Jesus said at John 14: 13,14 "Also, whatever you ask in my name, I will do this, so that the Father may be glorified in connection with the Son. If you ask anything in my name, I will do it."

    What's there to feel here? It's completely unambiguous what Jesus says here, 'ask in my name and you'll receive it.' No caveats, no conditions, no "well I may or may not answer," or "only under situations that could be just coincidence will I answer your petitions."

    So if I ask in faith (which I did back when faith was actually a part of my life) "Please help the _______ family stay strong in the truth through the trial they're facing." That prayer should definitely be answered, it meets every criteria you can throw at it, it's in line with "Gods will," it's not of selfish pursuit, it was made in complete faith... yet that family left the "truth," what gives? Prayer is bogus is what gives, either Jehovah heard my prayer and didn't care to answer it, or he heard but couldn't answer, or his answer was to let them go in which case what happened to his "desire all to attain to repentance" schtick and if that was going to be the outcome anyway why pray at all? Or the simplest and most concise reason, he doesn't exist at all, so of course the prayer went unanswered.

  • StrongHaiku

    What The_Doctor10 said...

    Plus I would add that a God that does not answer prayers is indistinguishable from a God that does not exist.

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