Compensation after 30 years

by umbertoecho 14 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • umbertoecho

    I have waited for so long to see some sort of justice given to my daughters. It is far too late for me. I have the same story as so many do on this site, so I won't bore you. The only joy I got out of all of it, was the joy of throwing stones on my fathers coffin at his nice JW funeral whilst the rest of my family pretended I did not exist.

    Down to last week. At last there is a compensation coming for my daughter ( one has been paid out a few years ago)

    This took some time and persuading to get my other one to go for compensation. She did not seem to have the will or energy. I did though. After all this time; thirty odd years when data bases were not in existence but the offence is still on record..........

    I have the pleasure to announce that the other daughter is getting some money for the damage done to her. I don't want to sound nasty or as though I am searching for attention. Not for me anyway. I wanted the attention to go to this man, this really nice man whom my family approved of and introduced me to. A man who must have had experience in grooming. To be fair, my family did not know, but when I took him to court in the eighties, things were so different. It was not done to take such a dirty thing to court. To do so was to admit to being a rotten parent. I saw it differently. I wanted his name etched for all time in the records, as a paedophile.

    There was no support for me or my children. No family member or close related friends wanted to be near such a disaster. I must say that the detectives and the magistrate were so fantastic though. They were the ones who stayed by us in this horrible experience. The magistrate slammed his hand down hard when the perps lawyer tried to cast doubt as to my mothering capacity. He really slammed hard on the desk and it was loud. He (the magistrate) gave no quarter to this slimy lawyer ( disbarred later on by the way)

    The detectives were the ones who hugged me as I left the court room. My children were left out of all proceedings. I have a deep ill at ease feeling, whenever I feel that justice may not be done with anyone having the courage to come forward for fear of being called liar,or having their memories dismissed. I remember all that I went through vividly. I recall I was 21 the last time I fought my father away and ran away........He chased me all the way down the highway for miles in his car. I couldn't get away that night....I did get away forever the next.

    When this thing broke over my poor children, my father must have been terrified of what it could remind me of. I recall him visiting me, something he never did, for he called me crazy, bad and mad. Wicked, that was one of his favourites.........I stood up to him all the time.

    On this visit though, I knew he was shitting himself in some way. I could see it in his cold eyes and his queries. I told him he would get no information from me to feed his rotting brain.

    Anyway people. He is dead now and my daughters are validated with ...."money". It may not be enough, but it's something. I hope I haven't upset anyone by posting this. It is not a good topic but nowadays we are allowed to speak of the things that happened with less fear of being blamed for them happening in the first place. I suppose my daughters winning against this is a win for me in some strange way.

    Thank you for listening


  • flipper

    Umbertoecho, it's good that you are telling your story.

    Child abuse is an upsetting topic, but it needs to be uncovered just how much it goes on.

    Best to you and your children.

    Mrs. Flipper

  • Phizzy
    Thank you for telling us. I have huge admiration and respect for what you did. I too wish you and your children the best for the future.
  • Zoos

    A hard story to read, with a happy ending.

    Just WOW! at your courage.

  • nicolaou
    Thank you for listening

    Thank you for sharing umbertoecho. So sorry that you had no support when you needed it most but at least now, here, in this community there are people who are genuinely on your side.

    All the best to you and your daughters.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher
    Umbertoecho - your story is so sad but also uplifting; your courage - and your daughters' courage - in dealing with this trauma in such a way deserves real commendation. Just keep looking forward now, and don't dignify the scum's shadow by turning around to look at it.
  • zeb

    we are privileged to hear your story.

    thank you


  • cha ching
    cha ching

    Dear Umbertoecho, thank you for sharing, what a difficult and brave thing you have done for a good cause... not only for yourself (you deserve justice) but also for your daughters. When people think they can get away with things, that dirty little secrets will be buried in dark corners of Kingdom Halls for "the sake of Jehovah's name" to "not bring reproach on the organization"....... that is when things get worse. It is not a "glory" for ANYone... God included.... that such terrible things happen. I hate it that JW's think that they are doing some wonderful deed by protecting evil. They SAY they are "Christian", but let us see them ACT as Jesus would... protecting the children. I am so glad you survived, went against the 'norm' the 'odds' went to court, and that the "worldly" judges, investigators and lawyers gave you support. You and your girls deserved it!

  • Diogenesister
    My, this is my first post and I am very humbled that I can reply to yours....I cant imagine the kind of courage and strength it must have taken after what you went through to take your daughters abusers to court. Particularly in the teeth of your families disaproval...what a wise and loving religon, that places a paedaphile above the needs of two abused grandaughters...I hope all fence sitters take note. Thank you so much for taking the time to post. We humans still have a long way to go..have so much to learn, but people like you make me so very proud to belong to the species homo sapien. Love + hugs cousin
  • Giordano

    Umbertoecho thank you for sharing your story it is and will mean a lot to those who have a chance to read it.

    A quick Welcome to Diogenesister! This can be an amazing place.

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