hands up ex-pioneers

by sleepy 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • LittleToe

    I pioneered for a few years, from school. My teachers were astonished that I didn't continue my studies.

    I loved pioneer school, and felt jealous when my kid brother later went and got a revised book. One born every minute, huh? Yup, and I was one of them.

    I went back to college as a mature student, to get qualifications in I.T. and change career. I guess that must have been the beginning of the end, albeit I didn't know it!

    Facial hair poll: http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.asp?id=33229&site=3

  • nita6368

    I pioneered for 2 years 91,92 I think. I hated it, I remember spending long , hot days in the summer trapped with an overloaded car of whiners.My spiritually weak husband was supporting me by staying at the house with 1 of our children, we had 3.

    We had a lot of rural territory that kept us out and driving around alot,heck we even made drive-by return visits...anybody remember them? Why stop when you can clearly discern from the road that no one is home:) I attended pioneer school in 92. I see one of the guys I went to pioneer school with, my "service buddy" at the local Lowes all the time, he always starts to smile and then quickly bows his head and walks on...how sad, he is still stuck in.

  • Fire Dragon
    Fire Dragon

    I aux pioneered continuously starting the month after I got baptized. Then in 1999/2000 I regular pioneered. Loved it some days, hated it others. I had a severe heart condition which required surgery in 2001 so I was able to get off the list and escape the WT.


  • CornerStone

    I didn't pioneer.

    But I spent a LOT of time fixing the friends broken down cars, loaning( giving )money, and helping the disabled and infirmed in many ways.

    But I guess those sort of things have no real VALUE to the borg. They can't make money from new recruits if they stress looking after ' widows and orphans ' .


  • eyegirl

    i pioneered for a year 98-99--quit going to meetings alltogether a year later.

  • Wren

    Right out of high school and at the top of the bell curve: mid 74 to mid 76.

  • minimus

    I pioneered for 2 years when I got out of school. My deal with Jehovah was that if I can bring in at least one person "in the truth" then I would try it. So I found a family from house to house, they all became Witnesses and then I stopped pioneering.

  • alamb

    1980-1982 Auxilliary

    1983-1990 Regular. Had to quit because on my shepherding call (the loving arrangement) they asked for my card back. I was 4 hours under that month although 100 ahead for the year. I had had a baby that month and had a one-year old to boot. I was really slipping!!! That meeting was the first time I saw their true colors and what matters most to them. Hours over people.

  • scootergirl

    Raising hand, hiding face! Yes, I too **sigh** pioneered.

  • alamb

    I always hated when they would ask the pioneers to stand or raise their hands for some special "atta-boys". I always refused. My mom would be shoving me and I would sit there. I figured I wasn't doing what some 90 year old publisher was doing getting in an hour.

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