Does power corrupt?

by sleepy 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • sleepy

    Most of the people I knew as witnesses were nice people with genuine motives.

    In fact those with obvious personnallity flaws, would not , in my congregation anyway , be made servants or elders.

    But I wonder did the postion attained in the org actually change the people who were chosen?

    Does the extra respect , power and aurthority over others cause changes in a person makeup they can not help?

  • joannadandy

    I think it does, and that goes for anything, not just an elder postion. I have known a few who have seemingly turned into overlords once they got their new postion of authority in the congregation. Their families also attained this air as well. I'm not saying all, but there have been a few, and as I said before, anyone is able to be corrupted by power.

  • Vivamus


    Strong legs that can carry wealth and power (Dutch expression). Which means most people will be corrupted by power.

  • outoftheorg

    I don't think that power in and of itself corrupts anyone. It has been my experience that if a person is in some way already corrupt then the power gives him the means to exercise this malignant personality to the extreme..

  • HomebutHiding

    "Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." You may quote me. Hahaha. HbH (And now I must go look that one up to see who should really get credit for saying that).

  • HomebutHiding

    Okay, I correct the quote as follows: "Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely." -- Lord Acton

  • writerpen

    I truly believe that the primary reason for almost ALL motives in the borg is "LOOK AT ME!" Even I was guilty of this. When I pioneered, I did it for the image and never for God. I dare say that most elders would not remain in the troof if it were not for their position. The WTBS plays position highly in their pubs. Now, I'm working on humility. And just a few weeks ago, I had my first Bible reading at my new Episcopal church. When I read, it was from the heart and the idea of "LOOK AT ME" never entered my mind.

  • zenpunk

    That's exactly what I was thinking of HbH. It's true, you see this all the time in corporate America. The perfectly nice guy turns into an arrogant prick once he/she is boss. The same can be true in the congregation.

    Edited because I can't spell.

    Edited by - zenpunk on 23 July 2002 16:20:16

  • Valis

    It doesn't matter if power corrupts at the bottom when those at the top that make appointments, have thier heads up thier asses and care nothing about the individual dub. After all shit rolls down hill, not up.


    District Overbeer

  • Satanus

    It's a rare person isn't corrupted by power, should it come his/her way. This applied as well to the jewish priesthood that moses supposedly set up, and the jewish kings. This principle shows the folly of the wt theory that god would have an earthly org ruled by the gb. The gb and their fellow rulers are corrupted just as easily as any politician, or high corporate official.

    If there is a god, if it wants a relationship w people, it would do it on an individual basis. Orgs would only mess it up.


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