The Young Anointed Speak

by Robdar 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fredhall

    144,001 - I think my box is comfortable.

  • zenpunk

    I think people who think they are of the anointed have delusions of grandeur. They want to consider themselves like gods or that they have some special direct connection.

  • kenpodragon

    You should have your friend look into the concept of "walk-ins" as the idea of anointed Christians is way twisted in the congregation. Walk-ins make a lot more sense to me and they do not require you to munch on bread that is stale and cheap wine.

    Walk In's are spirits from the spirit realm who take over the body of someone in the physical world and come to enlighten people on spiritual thinking. They often have a hard time remembering moments prior to the moment the connection took place.

    Well it is something to think about at least. Might sound weird to some, but keep in mind we used to think that men were guided by God on earth through only a select few. My experience with anointed people, was that they often did it for self glory. By the way, if anyone mentions that some were killed and injured for it ... thinking that was not glory! Look up martyrdom.

    Take Care


    Edited by - kenpodragon on 17 July 2002 16:12:21

  • LizardSnot

    I also have a heavenly hope. But that doesnt make me one of the 144,000 Jews of the 12 tribes of Israel :(

    I'm not even a good apostate since I was never baptized...

    I cant do anything right ...sniff....


  • Stealth


    I think your friend has a much great chance of becoming the next YOUKNOW than he does effecting any change in the BORG.

  • seawolf


    I hope you have a litter box the size of Mt. Everest to hold all of that kitty litter.

  • Larsguy
    I think people who think they are of the anointed have delusions of grandeur. They want to consider themselves like gods or that they have some special direct connection.

    This is exciting news to me! That's because there are supposed to be a lot of anointed ones showing up per the Bible! So if anyone knows of a young anointed one please reassure them their hope is likely quite real and share this parable with them.

    This is the parable of the WORKERS IN THE VINEYARD! This is about anointed within the witness organization. The first-hour workers know in ADVANCE they will be of the anointed. They were contracted for a penny. But the rest of the workers, the third, sixth, 9th and 11-hour workers were not told they would receive the penny. But at the end of the time of harvest, starting with the last ones first, that means the very youngest in the organization, they all got the penny.

    If we apply this to the witness organization, since Revelation says a "half hour" is equal to 3.5 years, then an hour is 7 years and this represents basically the generation of preaching from 1914 to to 1991, 77 years. But it is with the thrid-hour workers that it was not clear what the payment would be. That means beginning 21 years after 1914 or in 1935 which is when the "other sheep" class started to be officially recognized. This made a distinction between the anointed ones and those who didn't think they were anointed.

    But the bottom line is that later on ALL OF THEM would end up getting invited into the kingdom! So it makes sense that even some of the youngest in the truth might at some point feel they are of the anointed in the period after 1991.

    But there's even more. When Christ arrives and the word goes forth for those invited to the wedding feast to show up, many of them beg off. This represents up to HALF of the ten virgins who made up collectively all the original anointed ones. But once they begged off, the father of the groom didn't want the banquet hall to be empty so he sent his slaves out and found anybody in the street and many others to come in and fill the wedding banquet. Thus combining the two parables suggests that perhaps up to half of the original anointed ones would end up failing the final test and be replaced by others. Another reason to take very close note if there is a sudden surge in those feeling or claiming they are anointed ones.

    This also means we are very, very close to the door closing if it is not closed already. But this surge of newly anointed ones is absolutely Biblical, especially at this time since the bible prophesied half the original anointed ones would be cast out and replaced by others, even some non-witnesses!

    So this is great news for me!!! I was something to be expected!!!

    PLEASE. If you know anyone who thinks even lightly that they are of the anointed share this post with them. They may be replacements of the anointed ones now being kicked out of the kingdom. Remember 5 out of the ten virgins don't make it!!! That's half!



  • FiveShadows

    May you all have peace, and love from our Father Jah of Armies and Jah-Eshua the Christ. My Father has come to several people in the organization to anoint them by means of Holy Spirit. "In a dream , in a 'vision of the night' when deep sleep falleth upon men in slumbering upon the bed; then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their INSTRUCTION..."(Job 33:15-17) Yes while in the organization or any other means My Father Gives instruction for them. And yet then they profess to be of the 'anointed' yet do not follow such instruction given to them yet go to 'men that seat thsemselves in seats of judgement' to decide what the person ought to do, rather then going to the Christ as the vision does encourage. This is where man fails. They continue to touch the 'digusting thing causing desolation standing in a holy place' and profess their 'anointing' to all...Yet My Father does not give up on them and continues to ask them to come to His Son. Yes even the Son of God begs such ones to come to Him so that they MAY attain life. Yet man refuses. They continue to 'search for the scriptures because by means of them they believe they will have life' yet do not come to the Christ. (John 5:39-40) When they still continue to touch the disgusting thing, they refuse to listen and begin to recieve 'glory from men' rather then 'glory from God.' They refuse to listen to Truth and ask in their hearts for their hearts to be made stubborn. So with such stubborness and eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear they draw away from the Father, and continue to accept glory from men. Doing so..God, 'out of the stubbornness of their hearts,' gives them such eyes that cannot see and ears that cannot hear and hearts that are cold. Those that do go to Christ...attain life by means of his Flesh , blood, and by getting to know TRUTH. Those that do not 'fair badly' because tehy have 'dealings with the foolish' (proverbs 18:13) I bid you all peace and love from our Father Jah of Armies and His Son Jah-Eshua...the Christ.


    Edited by - FiveShadows on 17 July 2002 20:47:36

  • 11thHour

    Only those with the Hope, truly understand these things, because we have in our hearts Gods spirit, and he is our Father, Abba, Romans 8:15

  • 11thHour

    oh yes, and I also wanted to say, for those that think we are delusional, Jehovah foresaw the harsh judgement of people, People thought the same of Jesus, when he came to earth. Jesus was a not an uncommon name for boys in that time, and nazareth, was a unnoticable city..,,,,

    How humble would you be if Jesus has come today and his name was Carlos from Pueblo?

    Jesus of Narareth might sound nice and noble to us today, but not to people back then. He had a regular name from a unpopular town..and he was young, only 30, so think how the unhumble looked down on him.

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