SILENTLAMBS: the movie/book

by dungbeetle 20 Replies latest jw friends

  • abbagail

    Somebody had their creative thnking cap on tonight! :-)

    Don't forget the dramatic scene of the Thursday night meeting, all nice and quiet and orderly, with THE PERVERT and his mate, arms around each other's backs (see photos at Bill's webshots site); and then a few Q&A's exposing the August KM; then a song with Bill (Arnold) singing Nice & Loud and everyone else trying to Drown Him Out; and then all seated and quiet with Bro. Stockwell (played by whom??) up at the platform beginning to speak, when UP POPS BILL IN A FLASH, OUT of his seat, as he SPINS AROUND to face the congregation and in a loud (Arnold) voice says: Hear Ye Hear Ye! I OBJECT to the DF'ing Announcement!!!!

    WHAT DRAMA!!! Bill describes it better here. This truly is drama and suspense at it's finest... with every human emotion being played out...

    So tonight I went to the meeting. I called every reporter I knew and asked them to come and one did show up, just enough to make them nervous. She sat up front across the auditorium and I asked an elder to provide her with a song book. Which he quickly complied with, dont want to stumble any prospective members. I was able to briefly explain how the meeting was going to proceed as no one else volunteered. I guess I could have counted my time.

    Don't cha just love that dry wit??? ;-)

    I was spoken to by two elders after I looked them in the eye and said something to them directly. Everyone else looked away and refused to speak even if I said something to them. Could it be someone did not keep confidentiality? I was there about five minutes early and stood up toward the front of the auditorium the rest of the congregation stayed in the back. The PO looked at me with a dirty look and laughed, I took my finger and pointed straight at him for about five seconds and gave him a big smile. I aint taking no crap type look.

    You see? The script has practically written itself with these memoirs of Bill's. It's fun re-reading this with a vision of it being acted out on The Big Screen!

    Then the meeting started, I had my song book so I sung nice and loud. All those around me were trying to drown me out, so they were screaming at the top of their lungs.It was nice to finally get the friends to really sing out. Then came the school, I was nice and even looked up the scriptures. Everyone who gave talks was nervous as cats, noticeably shaking and glancing over my way. It was like they thought I was going to pounce on them or something. At talk number two I went back to the bulletin board to catch up... Nothing of note other than I clearly noticed the molester's name was not anywhere on the board, not even a TMS part. So it appears I might be having a little effect on his life anyway, especially since I told the entire world when they started using him again. He had a nice little group around him all visiting and making him feel welcome before the meeting. After thirteen months out, not one person acted like they wanted me there. Hey, what can I say, I guess the spiritual paradise does not like people who are in the media.

    And they will like you even LESS when your name is on every theatre marquee in the country!!! (teehee, but we love it!)

    The plot thickens...

    The reporter came back and we stepped outside to do a bit of an interview as we waited for the halfway point. Then they started to sing as Sheila drove up with the digital camera. Did I say we got Pictures? Enjoy

    Gotta love that humor! I'm thinking we need Leslie Nielsen to play Bill's part!

    Each part on the meeting in the TMS was prefaced by comments about the worldwide work and how these talks were being given all over the world. Nice PR for the reporter, boy were they laying it on. At the announcements they finally said we would now like for brother elder to come up to the stage. When he got up there, I stood up. He then started talking about the CO visit last week and made a motion to pay expenses. I sat down. I thought maybe later. Nope they skipped it.

    Nothing like a little slapstick thrown in...

    I went out and talked to the reporter from the Paducah Sun. I suggested they were holding it till last, hoping she would leave or they may wait till another meeting to keep me guessing. I told her they were playing games and they just blinked again. She called her editor and he gave her thirty minutes more.

    Deadlines! Suspense! Will the reporter stay or will she go before it's all over? (The reporter sucked anyway, she needs to be counseled for 'bad attitude in writing style.')

    We went back in and I got to thinking, I am tired of these silly games. Lee Stockwell had the last part on the meeting and since he has made an ass of himself on several occasions I thought I would wait for him to get up there. What was I going to do?

    Audience is hanging off the edge of their seats...
    This needs to be a movie where the audience can HEAR what Bill/Anold is THINKING during all of this! (BTW, Peter Lawford would have made a good B.Bowen, or maybe George Peppard - sp? Or Lorne Greene! Jay Leno? Brian Dennehy? Lee Marvin?) Back to the movie where...

    From this point forward we have decided to make a new guideline for anyone disfellowshipped for abuse issues. WE make our OWN announcement.

    The audience is shouting BRAVO! BRAVO!

    When Stockwell got on the stage I stood up and turned to the audience and said: TONIGHT they were supposed to announce that I was to be DISFELLOWSHIPPED. I OBJECT to this announcement, I OBJECT to this proceeding. I have broken NO biblical law, I have broken NO law of the organization. The Governing Body has ORDERED my disfellowshipping to PREVENT my presentation of EVIDENCE that PROVES them to be LYING HYPOCRITES! I AM NOW A SILENT LAMB, as are the THOUSANDS of abuse survivors whose lives have been RUINED by Watchtower Policy on child molestation!!!!!!!


    Stockwell tried to out yell me at one point, but shut up. Sheila was taking pictures and that froze them from grabbing me as they knew we would get it on film. I had my say and walked out. When I got to the back Stockwell announced, WILLIAM H. BOWEN HAS BEEN DISFELLOWSHIPPED."

    I yelled, YOU GOT IT!

    MORE CHEERING in the Theater Audience!!!!

    I then walked out the door. (arms outstretched in a Rocky Victory Pose) It was a sense of exhilaration and relief. I FINALLY got to say to the congregation what I had wanted to say for TWO YEARS: "I DID NOTHING WRONG!!!!!!!"

    And if Arnold is playing the part, it goes without saying that we must add Bill uttering under his breath with a mischevious twinkle in his eye...

    "AND I'LL BE BAAAAACK! (to kick some AAAAAAArse)"

    Next scene shows Bill with the reporter under the KHall carport, and with all the dubs...

    ...coming to the window and peeking out, giving me angry looks. I just smiled and waved while Sheila took a few more pictures. They really looked small at that point

    As I started my truck with loud pipes, I guess Satan entered into me for a moment, I drove through the drive through, kicked it in neutral and floored it as I coasted through. Was that disrupting the meeting?

    When I got home Sheila and the kids were waiting with champagne and a nice family hug. I now wear as a badge of honor, being disfellowshipped for standing up for children. I find NO shame, NO guilt, and NO dishonor for what I have done. If everything with silentlambs ended today I would believe it to all be worthwhile for the assistance and hope given to so many. You can stand, you can speak out, and take back what they robbed you of. Your self esteem and knowledge you did nothing wrong. Joe Anderson also was disfellowshipped tonight....

    Who's playing Joe Anderson?

    End of Scene - Intermission and time to go to the refreshment stand for Junior Mints.

    Seriously, Bill has written enough stuff to, indeed, have a book/movie made (and don't forget the B.Bowen ACTION FIGURES). Somebody really SHOULD be writing a book. And after reading the Barbara Andersoon story earlier, she should definitely have her OWN BOOK written, for REAL, with or without a movie.

    And yes, Jaracz MUST be in this movie! How about that wicked bald-headed CIA director on the show The Agency!!! Man, that guy is reaaaallly wicked!

    Here's a few JR Brown ideas: Is Flip Wilson goofy enough? Or how about the guy who played George Jefferson!

    Edited by - grits on 4 September 2002 5:58:21

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