How many did YOU recruit?

by In_between_days 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • Xander

    Brought in? ZERO!

    Brought out? *sigh* zero *sigh*

    Course, that's from, like, 22 years in and only 1 year out.

    I plan on my family getting out, though. Their whole 'cutting off association' thing really makes it rough, though. I guess I have had a few opportunities to get some punches in I missed, but I just KNOW they would totally cut off contact, and I'm not sure I'm really ready for that.

    As to none brought in? Oh, I was an uber-JW, alright. Honestly believed I had the 'Truth of God' (tm). Unfortunately, we seemed to have fairly educated worldlings where I come from. Never could defeat their evolution arguments, their patriotism arguments, their reasons for celebrating birthdays, etc. (It turns out the fact that they were RIGHT might have something to do with it....)

    Made it VERY hard to convert anyone - I did have quite a few regular magazine stops - but I think the householders were just taking the mags out of pity.

  • Brymichmom

    Actually, I only was responsible for recruiting one person into the WT organization. When I left 22 years ago, she was still in. The sad thing is that I heard that she died about 10 years ago. She died of cancer, and a "battered lamb". She is the one person that I truly grieve over. I had heard that while she was DYING and in a wheelchair (she had an inoperable brain tumor, cancerous) her MS husband was still hitting her!


  • proplog2

    Started my first study at the age of 10 in 1955. It was with an old bachelor living in a school bus out in the country. He became a witness.

    Altogether I studied with about 12 different people who became JW's. One went to Gilead. Another became a self-financed missionary in Central America. All became Elders - except me. When the Elder arrangement came along my family obligations kept me from meeting the 10 hour requirement. Hey! It's their loss.

  • joannadandy

    I never brought anyone in...tho that might have something to do with the fact that I never made any return visits.

  • bluesapphire

    I studied +/- 1 year and was in 5. During that time, I brought in my sister who is still in and shunning me even though I'm not df or da.

    I was in the process of recruiting two others who now want nothing to do with it thank god.

    There are a few others that I know I contributed toward their "progress" and I am working hard now to undo the damage.

    I have taken several out though. Looks like it's easier to take em out than reel them in. Working on four very good prospects at this time. One of them is reading COC and another is reading ISOCF. I plan to continue to do this until the day they get rid of the shunning doctrine.

  • truman

    I unfortunately am in the same sorry position as the other poster who said he only made one convert, his child. I have to my account, only my son. He is a strong witness, and a MS working with a foreign language group, giving his first hour talk next week. I used to be so proud that I had been a guiding hand in his spiritual development; now I just feel very sad that I have been instrumental in his enslavement to mind control.

    I did study with one other person who got baptized, but didn't stick with it long, which is pretty much in line with the way things have been where I live. Of the handful of people who have come in out of the territory in the 16 years I have been in my current location, virtually none has stayed involved more that a short time.


  • teejay


    I started a similar thread a while back.

    I'm happy to say, "not a single soul."

    At one time that fact bothered me a great deal. I look at my "failure" a little different now.

  • VeniceIT

    I brought in one. A friend of mine from school. We studied for 5 years through school and had to sneek most of them because her parents were opposed. When she turned 18 she started comeing to the meetings, and then after a few months stared in service. She was baptised the next year and started regular pioneering!!!! wow what a great privledge!!!! to pioneer together! Then she went to pioneer school and turned into a nazi pioneer and nooo one was spiritual enough for her to hang out with except some guys going to bethel hahah ohh my!!! I couldn't take her much at all my last 6 months in the borg, and now I feel a bit guilty about all that. I mean she would have gone to college had a regular life, ahh ohh well!!!


  • DanTheMan

    thankfully nobody that I know of. I dread the moment that I come across a former co-worker from my JW years and they tell me "guess what? I'm a J-dub!" I would die a thousand times.

    I hope that my departure got some to think a little, cause a little cognitive dissonance.

  • SPAZnik

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