How many did YOU recruit?

by In_between_days 31 Replies latest jw friends


    One - in nine years. I still feel really guilty about it too. Thankfully, my kids were still young and easy to reason with on why we were quitting. My 14-yr-old daughter said, "Oh great, NOW we've been in a cult!" All I could say was, "Sorry, honey. I got us out as fast as I could."


  • Robdar

    When I was 15, I studied with another teenager who eventually became baptized but not because of our book study. My mother converted her grandmother who in turn converted this young woman.

    My mom is responsible for converting six. Of these six, 2 became members of the "anointed".

  • jaded

    In 23 yrs. - None. Guess there are a lot of people out there who are smarter than I was. Thankfully that includes my kids!

  • obiwan

    None,zip,nada.I was a tool when it came to actually setting up a bible studies.

  • The_Bad_Seed

    If there were JW trading cards made up, my card would have been the one that you had 20 of, and just couldn't trade off because my stats sucked so bad. 18A in the Borg, 0 studies, 0 success stories, except that is, myself -- when I ran from the WTS like a scalded cat.

  • Salud

    Back in the old day's you would here of entire families coming in, like was the case for us. And it seemed everyone had a study. Now the only ones that have studies are JW's in the Spanish congregation's.

    Personally I helped around 7, 3 in the English cong. and 4 in the Spanish. Not many considering the amount of time I spent. As an elder I found that I would pass my studies I start to other publishers. I used to see this in many elders who really did not want to be 'bothered' with many studies, and just passed them on to publishers in order to 'encourage' them. In contrast my parents brought in between 80 to 100 people, all this in the Spanish cong. I guess you can say they had a 'gift'.

  • Incense_and_Peppermints

    none, thank god...

  • Dawn

    zilch......but then I didn't really have my "heart" in it when I was out in service. Just getting in the hours and socializing - that was it.

    I did work really hard to get my highschool friend back in (she was a JW until she was about 9 & her mom became inactive). She studied with another sister & came to meetings with me. But it never progressed any further. I'm glad now - because we're still best friends and I am her maid of honor for her wedding this month. All my other "friends" don't know if I'm alive or dead now.

  • CoonDawg

    absoloutly none...I used to feel like Michael Waltrip...never even in contention...having to take provisionals just to start. I did have one drunk guy I studies with...he was given to me by an older pioneer sister....was kinda like getting a "mercy fuck" pretty pitiful.

    Am currently studying with my counteract the JW indoctrination that her mom is giving her.


  • The_Bad_Seed

    Hey, In Between Days..are you a Cure fan?.

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