by silentlambs 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Simon

    It will be difficult for us to make it but I would love to come over and support this if I can work it out.

  • Dutchie

    Bill, I'm coming, my sister is coming and my kids are coming. We all want to lend our support.

  • Wendy


    I will email you with details, but include 5 on your list.

    Agreeing with Patricia. It is far in advance enough to plan it out. We can make that effort if we really try. Plane tickets are so cheap online, and we all can bunk in a hotel room, I don't mind sleeping on the floor


  • Siddhashunyata

    All must bow before this work of art by Silent Lambs. How appropriate the saying "To make a crooked stick straight, we bend it the contrary way".

  • ashitaka


  • orangefatcat

    Dearest Bill and all the lambs I would love to come to New York and echo my feelings, however I am unable to so as I can't afford to as I live on a pension and it is not enough to make a trip with. But my thoughts will be with all of you. and I think the Lamb is a great Idea to carry a great symbol indeed. You know Bill I have an idea, not a money making idea but just a simple thought that if we could make Lambs or get someone to make them at cost and the proceeds go towards legal costs for the those who need assistance. Also Bill do you need a permit to march in front of the Watchtower Hadquarters, I would hate to see everyone get there and then the cops show up and say you have to move away. We know how the GB can be don't we?

    So Bill good luck to you and all the silent lambs. Kick butt. Love to all of you.

  • Pathofthorns

    It's about time someone made an effort to try these religious leaders. Obviously they won't oblige but at least some bad publicity won't hurt and neither will it hurt to see their hypocrisy exposed.

    I'm sure the point will be made even though the old boys will probably be moved somewhere else. It will be nice for them to see how it feels to be on the receiving end of a publicity campaign after years of their sandwich boards and sound cars and "scathing denunciations".

    I have to hand it to you Bill for being a nightmare for them that just won't quit. You might as well take advantage of the "freedom of expression" laws that JWs fought so hard for us to have .


  • Jesika

    Orangefatcat-------I have talked to Bill personally and he is already aware of the need for a permit. He mentioned it to me before he sent the email to everyone. No need to worry he's on top of it!!!!! Are you going???? I will try my hardest to be there. Love Jesika Thoman Dallas, Tx

  • scumrat

    I'm a newbie, however I have been reading this forum for a while. We can't afford not to be there. There will be 2 of us coming from Ma.

  • nowaytess

    I wish Bill could have arrange it on the weekend of Oct 18-20. It would correspond with the "Witness now for Jesus Convention." More may have been able to attend.

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