Where is Zion?

by refiners fire 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Prisca

    Well Beck, I just didn't want to hog the limelight.... can't be accused of taking away all of his attention!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    You two!

    unbelievable. Why dont you tell everyone the TRUTH!?

    Being all deferential in public to me, and LAUGHIN your asses off at me in private chat! Gangin up on me and mocking! God,dont you know?? My manhood is destroyed!

  • Prisca
    My manhood is destroyed!

    How'd you know we were talking about your "manhood"? Darn that Beck, she told you, didn't she? The little ......

    Btw, we knew your "manhood" was small, but now you tell us it's "destroyed"??? Hmmm... okaaaay....

  • D8TA

    Hmmm...perhaps I should eloborate on my "self-application" definition. When I say "self-application", I am saying that: the message contained within the the Bible, as I - myself - read it...pertains as to me. What message anyone else reads pertains to them, and I respect thier point of view, for each is entitled to their interpretation of the bible.

    I have a very "basic" interpretation. I see that Christ message is very simple. 1) I believe that he is the Son of God, that he was sent here to die for our sins, for whoever believes this will be "saved". 2) Love God with all your heart,mind, body and soul. 3) Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Anything beyond that, to me, is trivial. Regardless of what Paul or Timothy, or anyone before Christ has said or written. I believe that Christ kept the message this simple, as to knowing humanity would twist and exploit this message for it's own selfish needs and wants. Why do I think the message is "that simple"? The criminal who was sentenced to death and was hanging next to him. The criminal didn't know Christ, nor was he "baptized"...but for asking and accepting that Christ was the Son of God, Christ acknowledge that he'd be in "paradise" with him.

    I think when Christ said to "spread the good news", was just that...to "spread"...to talk about it. Not impose.

    Issues such as the Trinity, or prophecy, all of it...everything that came before and afterwards. Trivial and has no bearing on one's "salvation". I also see that, the only person's "salvation" I should be concerned about, is my own. People are going to walk away with whatever message they interpret the Bible has to say and they are entitled to such interpretation.

    I'm in no position in my existence, to deny nor judge anyone elses interpretation of scripture. This has been something that I've struggled with, as per my experience with the WTBTS... where I must maintain my "Libertarian" point of view. They have their interpretation, and who am I to judge to say it's "wrong" or "incorrect"? Since I've "experienced" and lived at one time, early in my life, the WTBTS view...I find that they are intollerant to anyone elses interpretation, they do insert themselves in the equation as being the "only true religion", and the punish those who disagree with them. Sure, it's not violently, but in ways of slander and such. Had I not been involved with the WTBTS in my life, I am confident as to say that I would probablly look at them and say "That's nice, have a good life", and walk away with a measure of respect. But, that's not the situation. Some days, I'm tolerant with JW's as I am with the rest of the world, on others....I'd like to drill them to the wall.

    Then there's the whole "pray for your enemies and those who persecute you"....hey, that's a big one with me. I'm a bit like Peter, headstrong and abrasive. Not as loud, but more of a sarcastic laid back kind of way.

    I don't deny myself as to accepting a wide variety of people, with various lifestyles and beliefs...I have no problems in having relationships with these people. But, when it comes to JW's and the WTBTS . . .it's where my tolerance ends. I know why, it's because they don't tollerate me, and they have attacked me in personal ways. Yet there has been people and groups who have attacked me in personal ways, and I seek to work on tolerance with them. Take the example with IslandWoman and VioletAni, I said some pretty vicious stuff...but I go back and correct it, and readjust my point of view to be much more tolerant. For some reason, I have a huge task of doing that with JW's and the WTBTS, and not motivated to do so.

    Ah well, now I'm going off in to a tangent. Ack.

    But there you have it, my "simple" and "personal" view of how I see things.



  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    as to the board, well i think we all say things we regret. But then , this board is a giant experiment and its a place for purging. thank God its here! The people, pretty much, are forgiving and pretty good people. Its a great place. as to your beliefs, I guess the loving creator of the universe would make it pretty simple, with any luck, if its as straight forward as you seem to think it is, even a nuff nuff like me will get home in the end. I think that your anger towards the WT will disipate with time. mine did. A lot of people are obsessed with tearing them down as an edifice, something that doesnt interest me. like you, Im concerned with my own advancement.

  • plmkrzy
    I think that your anger towards the WT will disipate with time.

    Yep, if one lets it. Some folks take more time than others depending on the circumstances but!! when you finally do lose the anger, it can be a very powerful personal expierence. It was, for me, like opening a big window and breathing fresh air for the first time after a big storm. A very long storm.

    Prisca say's:. "can't be accused of taking away all of his attention!"

    Beck I can vouch for that.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    PLUM me girl...how is you?

    I thought Id never get over my anger but it just evaporated. I think things happen in their own time and you cant force them. Its just a place you arrive at without planning. Its a relief to see major issues evaporate and i think this forum has helped me with a number of them. Yay!!! (again) praise to the Great God Simon.

    Where you been hiding anyway??....

    HA! I just looked, youre not "online", sheesh how'm I supposed to talk to you then?


    Edited by - refiners fire on 5 July 2002 5:55:7

  • avengers

    Hey RF. Your threads are always good. The reason I think you don't get many replies is that you say it all. In other words, your arguments are as hard as a rock. If you want replies then come up with a topic like " Russell was a Free Mason"

    Just kidding please don't shoot me ok? I promise not to come up with threads like that.

    love you all, and keep up the research.


  • refiners fire
    refiners fire


    I read that stuff on Russell being a freemason, long time ago, David Icke put the information forward too. Actually, theres a thread by Stephanus about Russell being in the Illuminati, quoted from an Icke article around somewhere here. Dont know if you saw it.

    Keep on Rockin bro!

  • plmkrzy

    HEY R.F. I downloaded this new program and I have to get rid of it I think. It takes up so much memory that I can't even rum IM and use Word and be on the forum at once. when ever i turn on msn or the others I get that system error that say's "blah blah will shut down now" and I lose anything I was working on.

    Haven't figured it all out yet.

    I've missed our chats.


    Edited by - plmkrzy on 5 July 2002 8:19:22

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