by You Know 155 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • You Know
    You Know

    crazy drunk

    The economic conditions that plagued GERMANY after WWI were brought about by the Allies in WWI. They demanded that GERMANY pay for the entire war (which of course was impossible).

    That's correct. And Germany hyperinflated it's currency in order to pay off the reparations. That's exactly what the U.S. has done, they are hyperinflating the dollar to keep the stock market and the economy from collapsing. And the demonic principalities and their human counterparts that brought about the conditions necessary to put the Nazis in power also triggered the 1929 Wall Street collapse, which made WWII inevitable.

    Projects such as dams and roads---oh no electricity is bad! Its not in the bible) and the rise of Hitler.

    You were doing good there for about one sentence. LOL

    Your poor knowledge of history shows once again.

    Don't be an ignoramus all of your life man. Get yourself educated before it too late.

    / You Know

    Edited by - You Know on 4 July 2002 9:48:58

  • You Know
    You Know


    if you honestly believe im a delusional pathological liar (and a fool), that i have such severe brain-lock that reasoning with me is pointless, and that im so far below you intellectually that dealing with me is an embarrassing mistake on your part, why do you even address me personally?

    In closing out this thread, and in answer to your question, this is a public forum. I would have no interest in discussing any of these things with you privately. But, as it is, many people share your delusions, so the issues are worthy of discussion. The way I look at it, when things inevitably blow up in the near future, because I am on record as one anticipating nuclear war and financial collapse, then, I should have gained an enormous amount of credibility and will be able to speak freely about Jehovah's judicial decisions that until now have been concealed. And those like yourself, who have been vocal in ridiculing the idea that this system is going to meet up with it's judgment day, will at that point be totally humiliated and silenced. Then, assuming the Internet stays up for awhile, I will have the last say, or rather, that I may have some small share in allowing Jehovah's word to have the last say. / You Know

  • You Know
    You Know

    Dubula must be away from his computer today? / You Know

  • joelbear

    Life is good.

    Treasure life in all its forms.


  • You Know
    You Know

    Life is good. Treasure life in all its forms.

    I do. Apostate Dubs are some of my favorite species of lower life forms. / You Know

  • Naeblis

    lol. Thanks Bobby. We love you too.

  • dubla


    You desperately want to believe that the system is going to go on.

    yes, you keep repeating this line, over and over. i realize that you think i am "desperate to believe....etc"...but why? if the whole system falls apart tomorrow, what then? what should i be so afraid of? as i said before, god (according to your bible) and only god will judge my heart when that happens, and i have no fear of this judgement. unlike you, i do not feel it is neccesary to be a jw in order to be worthy of saving in gods eyes. if the system falls apart tomorrow, there is absolutely nothing i can do to stop why should live in constant fear of it (as you assume i do)? ive asked this question to you many times, but you have no answer. your only answer is to keep going on like a broken record about how "desperate" i am to believe, blah blah. the only person desperate here in these discussions is you. when i go home at night, and on the weekends, these little exchanges are long forgotton......but for you its an obsession, a way of life....the only thing you know.

    Of course you don't believe it, but that doesn't alter reality in any way, shape, or form.

    ive said many times that i do indeed believe the end of this system will come....ive only maintained that i doubt itll happen in my lifetime, and that your version of how its going to happen is ridiculous. you keep confusing this with me not believing it will happen at all.....i guess ill just have to keep correcting you.

    Do you imagine that apostates have some how removed Jehovah from his heavens, or that Christ's kingdom is now an unreality because of Ray Franz's little tattle tales,

    i never said i thought the bible was all lies....just the jehovahs witness version of it. your interpretation of bible prophesy is just that, an interpretation. just becuase you believe "this" or "that" is what the scriptures mean doesnt make it so.

    And, we are now, at long last, facing the end of the system that Jehovah's Witnesses have been preaching about for years.

    i hate to tell you this, but jws arent the only ones who have been predicting the end.....many (most) religions do...jws are just the only ones to put specific time lines on it, which everyone knows (by reading the bible) is ridiculous and the worst possible thing anyone can do.

    But, as it is, many people share your delusions, so the issues are worthy of discussion.

    okay, fair enough. but if thats true, then why the need for all of the insults (not to mention the outright deceitful slander)? if these are simply "issues worthy of discussion", it seems the schoolyard tactics would only lesson the importance of the issues, and take away from your real message.

    because I am on record as one anticipating nuclear war and financial collapse, then, I should have gained an enormous amount of credibility

    with who? the apostates on here are beyond help according to you, so who would you have gained this "enormous amount of credibility" with? the lurkers? wow, after the internet falls, good luck tracking down the few lurkers that actually read your blubberings......believe me, most of them no doubt put you on their "ignore" list long ago. for most readers you are nothing more than the town drunk so to speak....the local madman raving in the streets. if it werent for me and a select few others, your threads would only consist of a few responses followed by your "LOL"s and namecalling. i guess you should be glad there are a few of us willing to waste our time with you.

    Then, assuming the Internet stays up for awhile, I will have the last say

    wow, thats a great goal, lol. your life really revolves around this hope you have to have the last say, doesnt it? you are more pathetic than i previously thought. again, our exchanges are nothing more than a time burner for me....but for you its your lifes work. it truly is sad.

    Dubula must be away from his computer today? / You Know

    yes, ive said many times that i only respond to you during work hours, as not to waste my personal time on meaningless matters. i took a four day weekend and soaked up some sun.


  • Satanus

    In the economy, confidence is almost everything. As long as production continues, confidence is the key. So, your analagy to the titanic doesn't apply. Confidence in economics is almost as important as confidence/faith in religion. Youknow what would happen to your religion if confidence in it dissappeared, it would dissappear also. It much the same in economics.


  • dubla


    i missed one statement of yours looking back over it:

    You said that there would be rallies until the markets turned for good.

    no, this is what i said (ill bold/italic for clarification):

    i do think we will have tradeable rallies in the meantime though, but i think weve got awhile yet before the markets turn for the good (for an extended stretch).

    "turn for the good" meaning a bull period, and "for an extended stretch" meaning for a year, 18 mos, 2 years, etc.

    but there will be no return to prosperity, if that's what you meant.

    so you are saying we will never have another up year in the markets? or are you saying the dollar will be worthless before the end of this year, making "up year" and "down year" irrelevant terms? either way, i just wanted to clear up that one statement.


  • Pistoff

    When an organization fronts the lie that the blood policy, and then does not have the integrity to back away;

    when they CYNICALLY join UN for political influence and tell us it was for a library card;

    they edit out the damaging stuff when they make the CD roms--------------

    Is there anything left to say? If a "doctrine" as central and fatal as the blood policy is flawed and without merit, then how can we believe anything they say? How do we decide what is right and what is wrong? our own decisions..

    I wanted to stay in because my family is all there, i am not df'd yet, but damn. How can I say i am a witness when it is obvious to most all except the witnesses how ridiculous these things are? And this is not even touching the sex abuse scandal, or the pharisaic control of behavior in the congregation....Jesus sets us free, only for the elders to enslave us again, no rap music, no oral sex, no hats backward, no good luck, no wishing anyone a good holiday, no sports in school ARRRRRRGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

    HOW in hell did I ever allow myself to be so deceived?


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