by You Know 155 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sirona


    Your post was interesting. You point out many problems with JWs in general, yet still indicate that JWs (e.g. yourself) are privvy to the secrets of the prophyseys and that this is simply a refining process. That is a completely ridiculous claim. It is a cloak behind which you hide all the innacuracies and lies of the WBTS, saying that those who are faithful will stay true to Jehovah despite it all. Well, all they know of Jehovah has been spoon fed to them by the WBTS so their faith is based on this tainted organisation's interpretation of the bible.

    Then this:

    But, whereas apostate JWs may imagine that they are doing something of their own accord, the prophecies indicate that they are serving Jehovah's purpose as well, just as even the despicable Judas served Jehovah's purpose.

    Again your arrogance shows through. YK interpretation of prophysey is right and everyone else is wrong? You know what Jehovah's purpose is, do you?

    I don't know how you can think that any "world of lies" created by the organisation could be approved of by God and could be part of his purpose. So God gets people to lie for his purpose now?


  • joelbear

    I agree that lies do unravel eventually, no matter what their source.

  • ItsJustlittleoldme
    But, now, there are millions of Jehovah's Witnesses who claim to have faith in Jehovah, but who are more or less followers of the Watchtower Society

    Ok, here YK states that there are millions of JW's that are basically like the pharisee's

    But, whereas apostate JWs may imagine that they are doing something of their own accord, the prophecies indicate that they are serving Jehovah's purpose as well, just as even the despicable Judas served Jehovah's purpose.

    Well, let's assume that there are, as YK stated, millions of pharisee like JW's, wouldn't these be the real apostates? They are NOT following god, they are following man...

    The apostates of this board no longer follow the Watchtower Society (They got out of her)...

    So, I think YK admitted that there are millions inside the organization that are apostates (APOSTATES OF JEHOVAH GOD!) .. And, yep, I concur 1000000% YK, these apostates of GOD are serving Jehovah's purpose.. And the very fact that YK acknoledges that the society is at best doing a poor job of helping the 'flock' to draw close to Jehovah, and instead is having them draw close to the society should be enough of a warning to YK that the society CANNOT be god's organization, as this would be a fatal mistake (the good news cleary doesn't include loyalty to any one man or group of men other than Christ Jesus himself) , and anyone seeing this error, and yet still professing loyalty to such an organization that is clearly not of God would be making a conscious decision to be an apostate of Jehovah God!

    The people on this board are apostates of a society that was attempting to make these people loyal to men, and so they left.

    The people left (Millions of them anyway -- there are only 6 million in all) in the organization are loyal to men, not to god.

    So, I ask you YK, who are the real apostates of Jehovah God? The one's that chose NOT to be loyal to men, or the ones still being loyal to men?

    Now apply your observation:

    But, whereas apostate JWs may imagine that they are doing something of their own accord, the prophecies indicate that they are serving Jehovah's purpose as well, just as even the despicable Judas served Jehovah's purpose.
    One has to wonder what Jehovah's purpose for all these apostates of God is!

    Edited by - ItsJustlittleoldme on 26 June 2002 12:56:25

  • SYN

    Finally, a post by YouKnow that doesn't have me spluttering my coffee all over my monitor! ACE!

  • crawdad2

    hi you know,

    i have to give you credit, that was some good propaganda!!!!!........ no matter how many failed predictions and scams the watchtower was involved in, .......... you are able to convince members ......."it's all just a test from jehovah,,,,,,,to see if you stay loyal to his organization."

    no matter how wicked your organization gets,.....even while the court system takes you down now, for conspiracy to harbor pedophiles........ you will say, it's proof that it's the true religion, god is testing you.

  • dubla

    no matter how many failed predictions and scams the watchtower was involved in, .......... you are able to convince members ......."it's all just a test from jehovah,,,,,,,to see if you stay loyal to his organization."

    yes, a pathetic attempt indeed. i do find it very fitting though, that yk acknowledges the glaring similarities between the wtbts and fraudulent corporations. doesnt this quote remind you of wt leaders (in regard to the child abuse scandal)? .......

    "Our senior management team is shocked by these discoveries," WorldCom CEO John Sidgmore, who was appointed in April, said in a statement. "We are committed to operating WorldCom in accordance with the highest ethical standards."

    and just as yk continues his attempts at convincing the reader that the wtbts is no doubt gods one true organization, the worldcom ceo assures us:

    the company remains "viable and committed to a long-term future,"....LOL.



    Well,well,well!!Will wonders never cease.Hey YK,I am shocked at your post.It has a smidgent of intellegence to it.You finally realise WBTS needs to come down,to set things straight.Very few people here(if any) were ever against god.They disliked the corruption of WBTS.When WBTS go`s down how many people here will be upset if former dubs start bible study groups,so they can can continue their religious faith.None I`ll bet you.All you have to do is realise you are not surrounded by apostates and you may be actually be able to do some good.Stop the worthless apostate crap you so generously shovel at every opportunity.You may actually earn some credibility...OUTLAW

    Edited by - OUTLAW on 26 June 2002 15:6:55

  • lurk


  • D8TA

    Another day, same old YK b.s. Yet another, "the sky is falling" from the boards chicken little.


  • NameWithheld
    just as even the despicable Judas served Jehovah's purpose.

    So - poor 'ol Judas. What a bum rap he got! Here he does the will of Jehovah, and what does he get? Eternal damnation/destruction/whatever. Maybe Jesus asked him to betray him? I mean, if it weren't for Judas, Jesus would never have died, so we'd be in a world of hurt right? Isn't that how the fairy tale goes?

    <stuff about 'refining' 'god's' org>

    So, just exactly how many times does god need to step in and 'refine' his 'one true org'? Didn't he do that once or twice already? Can't he just do the job right the first time? Oh I forgot, god never gets things right the first time - or the second or third for that matter ...

    Poor little Joe publisher, swinging his book bag from door to door, trying to live his life 'according to god's will' (according to WTBTS will). Little does he know that god's testing him (again), tricking him into following bad men. That god sure is a prankster ins't he? Always good for a laugh!

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