Secret WTS Social Agenda

by spaz 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • spaz

    You know, people in academia can interpret the same data differently, attorney's can hold divergent theories, political parties are worlds apart on core philosophy and yet most have the ability to acquire the mental flexibility to understand another's viewpoint. Not so religious people. You guys are so mentally inflexible that you're maniacal (oops, how positively judgemental of me). Most of you seem to have learned that trait in the watchtower world. Some of you no longer claim to be jw's, but you certainly maintain the same inflexibility that you should've stayed with the watchtower religion. For you there is only one viewpoint--yours. If you want to be so handicapped in life that's your prerogative. I wish you well. I left the watchtower world for many reasons, one of which was because this same narrow-mindedness permeates the culture. I never fitted in there and I won't fit in here within your xjw culture. You may not see it, but you guys are jws in reverse. I bid you adieu.

    Regards, Spaz

  • professor

    No, spaz, people here are actually quite open-minded. You are just getting that because people here also think you are a real nut-job.

    Oh yeah, adieu!

    Edited by - professor on 28 June 2002 17:9:34

  • spaz


    I want to thank you for demonstrating my contention that you're boneheads. Let me explain the Wheelchair Story--you obviously missed the point. I'll give you a clue:-

    I was referring to neither my physical condition nor gender. It wasn't about ME!

    GET IT?

    No? Oh well!

  • D8TA
    D8TA you actually go back and READ the posts you make, or do you treat this message board like a verbal conversation?

    Ah well...untill your next forum screen name.


  • garybuss

    spaz Wrote:

    "The starting point is altruism."

    Fascinating post. Right on and refreshing. Thanks.


    The Way I See it

  • Farkel


    : "The starting point is altruism."

    Humans can only aspire to that noble goal. There is nothing in life we do that isn't motivated by at least a minimum of self-gratification, self-satisfaction or even selfishness per se.

    If pure altruism is the goal, then I'm on step 1 1/2 of a 10 step program, but at least I'm honest enough to acknowledge it at admit it.

    It's the ones who INSIST they are only motivated by altruism that you've gotta watch carefully.


  • professor

    spaz, can't you pick a persona and stick with it?

  • garybuss

    Now I am less intrigued by the original post, (although I do like it a lot) than I am by the response it received.

    Requests to dumb down, threats, insults . . . all fascinating.

    I was raised by Witness parents and was associated with the group till I was 30 years old and I could relate very well to the article.

    The group sees themselves as socially upright. The walkaways / castaways apparently do to. So to suggest that the group is actually inverted socially threatens the dissenters.

    Totally fascinating!


  • sf

    Hello Gary, hello spaz...

    I was just reading this thread:

    and immediately thought how well it relates to THIS thread. Fascinating indeed.

    I recall all too well the bashing I received back when I too brought this particular 'dish' to the table. I mean, geezus, I'm surprised I survived the 'beating'. hahahaha (wasn't funny then though) Those threads still exist spaz, if you are interested.

    {{hugs}} sKally

  • SYN

    Let's do some analysis.

    This is a both a departure from the conventional paleo-hellenic concepts of logic to a primitive yet equally tenable principle of,'actions speaking louder than words', and a synopsis.

    "Paleo-Hellenic" is a mysterious word - what are you trying to imply with it? Using a nice, clear statement instead of jargon is always appreciated here. Not everybody here is English, and they wouldn't have the chance of a snowflake in hell of understanding that phrase.

    You use megasyllabic words, and yet your grammar sucks. Do yourself and the board a favour, and use a spellchecker. Money is no excuse - there are free ones available for the price of a few hundreds megs of bandwidth. Get cracking, my son.

    (Megasyllabic is a word I made up! It means "words that contain over a million syllables"!)

    The WTS is but one of many groups which are devoted to the disintergration of the traditional or biblical family structure, via nefarious means, as part of a greater plan that envisions a two-class new world order resembling feudalism.

    Please define "traditional family structure". Also, which of the many different family structures alluded to in the Bible do you wish to speak about? You need to be clearer when you talk, big guy. I do agree that the Tower destroys families - I just don't know if we're on the same page here. How would the destruction of the family unit contribute towards feudalism?

    The philosophic means to achieve this state is non-biblical. The WTS repudiates the Christian principle of "loving your neighbour AS yourself " by adopting an altruistic approach which demands to 'love your neighbour above yourself ". Selfishness is the opposite of altruism and says 'love yourself above your neighbour'. Individuals are thus led to consider themselves lesser, dirty and sinful, not worthy of another person's love and cannot love another "AS" he should himself..

    No, Dubs are taught to love the Organization, THEN their neighbour (well, in practise).

    The starting point is altruism. A gender role-reversal policy then disturbs functional heterosexuality from where a host of problems ensue.

    A WHAT? A gender reversal policy? Last time I checked, the Tower mercilessly enforced outmoded chauvinistic stereotypes. Now there's some BIG WORDS for you!

    Crowded around is the creation of an Orwellian, Big Brother, mind-conditioned culture.

    Incorrect grammar, but I basically agree with you on this point. They have ALREADY GOT this sort of thing going. And by the way, it's not mind conditioned, it's mind CONTROLLED. You have to keep conditioning the mind to control it - minds have this pesky habit of asking questions which the Tower has to constantly supress, see!

    Take a moment to ask why the WTS's Culture Of Cruelty is riddled with distrust between members, money-grubbing congregants, high divorce rates, paedophillia, an expanding homosexual population, and children leaving the religion of their parents in droves.

    BECAUSE IT'S A LOAD OF BS! And why is an "expanding homosexual population" a bad thing? Warning: Homophobia incoming!

    The WTS considers itself a "mother" organization. In a process that might be called androgynization where the genders assume characteristics of the opposite sex, heterosexual turmoil proliferates.

    THAT IS BS. (Although the "mother" part is true)

    Like the (socialist) feminists the females perpetuate an enfeebled patriarchy(matriarchy is a myth). The WTS hegemony has taken upon itself to redefine the "image" in which God created man and women. Males are feminized; masculine characteristics such as the growing of facial hair is officially discouraged and the required shaved face resembles that of the female's.

    Please refer to my previous post about not all men wanting to wear beards. This is not a feminization issue - many Elders would take you to task (physically I believe) if you said they were "feminized". There is a very clear line cut between men and women in the BOrganization.

    Females are masculinized.

    He. HEHE. HEHEHEHEH! That explains why that Sister with the moustache was always so friendly to me! She was actually an Elder!

    Short masculine hair replaces the feminine longer. In their homes women wear the garb of men.

    Ah, IN THEIR HOMES. Now, not only are you saying that Witness men are "feminized", but you are also saying that because women take the opportunity to wear pants sometimes, they are becoming masculine. NEWSFLASH: Women LIKE to wear pants sometimes, too!

    Women are the breadwinners while the males busy themselves primping and preening for meeting parts where egos compete.

    What? I can't believe I'm hearing this. No Dub man (especially not a high-ranking one) would be caught dead having his wife earning the "bread". PUH-LEEZE. And what is wrong with a man looking good for the stage? Wouldn't YOU want to look good if you were going on stage in front of people?

    Women, busy out gossipping in the car groups, dictate to their men how to cook and clean in their homes.

    OK, NOW, this is just getting ridiculous. I have NEVER EVER seen this sort of thing in ANY Congregation, and trust me, I've been to a few. That is complete and utter POPPYCOCK.

    Males are the titular heads in their families and the females dominate:

    This IS true for a handful of Dub families, but the same is true elsewhere, too. It all depends who the stronger personality is, really. Sometimes I really think it's better this way, because the mother often does a better job! It's about balance. What's important is not WHO is in charge - but that the family and especially the kids are happy and lead good lives. Don't you agree?

    Some males, instructed to squat down to urinate, grudgingly comply.

    I honestly can't believe I'm hearing this BS.

    Congregationally, the males play out their machismo roles after their women have determined local policy.

    See above.

    Edited for TYPOS! Oh, the humanity! I flame someone for their typos then I make typos myself! Heehee.

    Edited by - SYN on 30 June 2002 18:0:42

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