What do you do for work and play?

by roybatty 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • josephus

    i clean windows. an studing to go back to uni (shortly).

    i play a killer game of chess. read, and enjoy climbing steep mountains.

    did today, so much fun. of course i spent my witness life trying to stay out of trouble for all of the above.

    war games, too smart by half (yeah right) and of course dangerous.



  • JuliG

    I'm a horticulturalist, and supervise the development of an arboretum/display gardens at a college ( zone 6).

    Hub and I just bought a house with mature gardens and even more mature interior, so I am busy creating my nest!! I should have stock in Lowes and Home Depot.

    Also do a lot of family things with sibs, neices and nephews.

  • joannadandy

    I'm an advertising assistant, which is a fancy way of saying I am a sign monkey. I work at a sports store and put up their displays, yell at newspapers for typos, beat off children selling yearbook ads with sticks, but 90% of the time I am making posters and signs to blanket throughtout the store...it's cool I dig it.

    That's my part time gig. My full time gig is that of student. Someday I will graduate, I hope...*sigh*...I'm going to be teaching high school English, yes lock away your children now! I have a year left it seems, and one semester of student teaching.

    For fun, I listen to any kind of live music, nothing better! I read a lot, write a little, paint a little, draw some, cook kick ass food, drink kick ass wine. Sometimes I'll kick back and go to a scotch and cigar night at a local jazz club. (But man talk about kitten breath the next day-oy!) I love sailing, I just don't have a boat of my own. I love going to plays, art shows, and the like as often as I can sucker someone into coming with me. And that's me.

  • DevonMcBride

    I work in the Travel and Tourism Industry. More specifically, I operate a training facility for travel/tourism careers.

    On my free time I play tennis, cook and travel.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I am a counselor at 3 second stage shelter for battered women. I write and lecture when possible.

    And I like computer graphics and rebuilding and upgrading computers

  • Kep

    I'm a number cruncher for a group of companies, but also I do their graphic design work and almost anything else I can learn.

    All the office staff for the 5 companies come to me and I sort out any bookwork that isn't right. Mind numbing work when I would rather be at home with my family.

    So for my leisure I spend time with my girls and play the guitar, always trying to learn a new song or write if my mind is able.

    Love going to rugby to watch my bro-in-law play, tearing up and down the sideline screaming and yelling, so much fun. I somehow amuse the other parents as well.


  • animal

    For a profession, I am a design drafter (CADD), and always looking for new and interesting work. I am doing communications work now, for those big things rotating around the earth.

    For fun, I build computers from scavenged parts, network them, and keep fixing them. Websites are the other half of the fun time.

    For relaxation I ride one of my bikes. Desert riding takes getting used to.

    My investment in my kids future comes from my politics... I founded and run Sons of Liberty Riders (http://solriders.net), a national biker group.

    In my spare time, I sleep.


  • WildTurkey

    I fix dents, hail damage on cars, paintless dent repair. For fun I like to do things with my kids, and go drinking and dancing with my wife.

  • rekless

    I'm in construction, own me own company or what's left of it.

    play the nickle slots swim, cook, and meander around Vegas.

  • Valis

    rekless really means to say he takes the lovely wife and goes for a meander in Vegas...hoping he doesn't get lost on Lamb that is...*L* always an adventure and one I hope to do again soon...*need more lasagna.....getting weak..*


    District Overbeer

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