Southwest Air...Marketing Blunder??

by teenyuck 78 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002


    I think it was because I had grown a beard.

    I experienced the same problem last month. Funny how if you are clean shaven they dont bother you as much, as if growing facial hair somehow makes you a potential terrorist.

    Living in a country that CLAIMS to do RANDOM checks and that CLAIMS to NOT discriminate, I cannot help but snicker when going through security at an airport.

    I have a 3-line goatee, as you can see in my profile. I am also pretty tan right now because I have been spending quite a bit of time outdoors.

    When flying out of O'Hare last month. I passed through the security check and was RANDOMLY CHOSEN to be hand-frisked. Then when at the boarding terminal I was RANDOMLY picked AGAIN for a security check, and had to be hand frisked a SECOND time.

    Funny thing is, EVERYONE on my flight that was RANDOM checked was under the age of 30, and black, hispanic, or arab descent. RANDOM my A$$! Why wasn't the elderly caucasian couple in front of me RANDOMLY checked? Why wasn't ONE caucasian male RANDOMLY checked? Is it because of how I look? Why weren't other people older than I or of a different ethnicity forced to take off their shoes and be subjected to a metal detector and hand frisking? Or to have their bags opened on the table and all their personal belongings inspected in front of the entire line of people waiting to board the airplane?

    Racial profiling, and DISCRIMINATION.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 19 June 2002 21:52:42

  • mrs rocky2
    mrs rocky2

    Large people pay more for clothing. It's a matter of physics. More cloth, more cost. The issue is not who is to blame for their size. Causes of largeness can be debated in the medical/psychological community until eternity. The problem at hand is how much space do you take up. My daughter just flew to Japan. The weight limit for her check-in luggage was 60 pounds. If the luggage weighs more you have to pay more. If Southwest applies the rule fairly, then there should be no objection because it really is a matter of physics. A plane will only hold so much weight. So if a passenger takes up two seats then they should pay for two seats. And I am not anti-heavy people. Having battled the bulge for 18 years post pregnancy I understand the difficulty of weight control (wish I could lose those extra 30 pounds). I don't think it is discrimination. ADA only requires reasonable accomodation. And yes, it is difficult for people of size to travel, to socialize without stigma, whatever is at the root of their size, whether medical or poor personal choice. But puleeze! let's be reasonable.

    Thank you for letting me stand on my soapbox - it's been a long day and I just had to rant and rave for a little while......

  • BeautifulGarbage

    *Ponders Reborns posts*

    I wonder what did for me? My blond hair pulled back in a braid, or my brown V-neck sweater?

    Perhaps the combination?


  • joannadandy

    Me thinks they doth protest to much? Do your children act up, is that why you failed to see the HUMOR of eye's post and instead took such quick offense? I am reminded of Jim_Tx's post's about "Don't JUDGE ME"

    Sheesh people lighten up!

    I am sick of parents who thrust their booger miners on the world and expect that we all should be greatful that they spawned life...whooptie sh*t!

    Plus that was really tacky to bring up Eye's funny story in a thread that had nothing to do with this topic. Lighten up people, it's a message board, not a debate before the warren comission!

  • Reborn2002

    Beautiful Garbage-

    With all due respect, were you RANDOMLY HAND FRISKED TWICE on ONE occasion just to board the plane? Were you asked to REMOVE your shoes so that your shoes and feet could be swiped with a metal detector? Were your bags ENTIRE contents spilled out on a table and inspected in front of the ENTIRE line waiting to board the plane because you were RANDOMLY selected to be checked?

    When you turned and glanced at ALL the individuals on your flight being RANDOMLY screened, and noticed they were ALL men of ethnic minority, were you offended because that is profiling and stereotyping someone based on race? Especially when you noticed SEVERAL elderly couples and white males just passing right through?

    If so, I apologize. If not, then you have no understanding of where I come from as a minority.

  • joannadandy

    Reborn, I am not a minority

    Blonde hair blue eyed little girl here, and I got felt up, at both airports I went to, my bags were all checked, two times, my shoes, belt taken and checked, both is just random as far as I can tell...either that or I smell of they make a deoderant for that at all?

  • Reborn2002

    Oh Joanna I wholeheartedly agree that EVERYONE should be THOROUGHLY checked for the SAFETY of ALL on board.

    However, I have a problem with the fact that when I have already been checked and cleared to go to the flight terminal, and then before boarding when you show your ticket and ID, you are asked to be RANDOMLY checked again.

    It was NOT RANDOM. When everyone in line to be RANDOMLY checked was a male of minority descent.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    My response I had nothing to do with the behavior of my children.

    Humor? What struck me is a consistent cavaliar attitude towards the welfare of children. Not funny. And yes! I do believe the welfare of kids come first before ANY adult. Period.

    Tacky to bring it up? Sheesh! Then don't post it for all to see!

    "Don't Judge Me"? Give me a break! Judging is good and necessary. And when it comes to kids, I'm a judging, baby! When one shares an experience on a public message board, it is automatically open to criticism.

    I couldn't care less if you are grateful or not. I love my kids and don't expect a friggen metal for having them.

    I take it YOU don't have kids, either, Joanna. Well, if you do someday, perhaps you won't find Eyegirls post so humorous when you look into the eyes of your own children and picture them in a cage, or having them witness your ex-hubby, or ex-boyfriend, "doing the deed" with his new girlfriend.


    And yes, we actually DEBATE here.

  • Reborn2002

    <Sigh of relief>

    Andee isn't mad with me.

  • joannadandy

    What I have seen here has not been debate...

    It's usually overactions, and generalizations

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