Does God Really Care?

by Undecided 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Undecided

    Hi BJC,

    So all the problems are because of Adam. OK, he goofed up and God got mad and not only did he cause us to die but made it a slow death. He created the mosquito to kill more people than all the wars ever fought. Man makes wars, God made the mosquito, not only that but all the diseases that exist. Are these early deaths because we don't listen to the bible now? God made us so we couldn't do what is right in his eyes, Adam couldn't change his genes so God did it. Who is responsibile for our bad behavior then, Adam or God? I just don't beleive the Genesis account of what happened.

    Ken P.

  • bjc2012


    Perhaps, all the writings of mankind in different religions regarding everlasting life is just wishful thinking with no foundation.

    Here's another scenario.

    Perhaps, its "wishful thinking" on your part that it turns out to be as you describe above, since then, you'd have no "personal" accountability to a higher being on all of your personal decisions made about Him years ago. Then in that way, you "luck out" in life all the way, right up to "retirement" and having enjoyed the "good life" all the way without any thought of him. In that case, I can see why you'd want to look at it that way. Else your future may be more ominous than you wish in that you may have some "unfinished business" with your Maker? How about that one?


    Edited by - bjc2012 on 19 June 2002 0:48:43

  • bjc2012

    Ken P:

    Who is responsibile for our bad behavior then, Adam or God?

    Neither. In the end, we are personally accountable for ourselves. Jesus made this point in the following parable.

    The Parable of the Growing Seed - Mark 4th Chapter (NIV) 26 He also said, "This is what the kingdom of God is like. A man scatters seed on the ground. 27 Night and day, whether he sleeps or gets up, the seed sprouts and grows, though he does not know how. 28 All by itself the soil produces grain--first the stalk, then the head, then the full kernel in the head. 29 As soon as the grain is ripe, he puts the sickle to it, because the harvest has come."

    We will all experience a "personal harvest" from God. We experience a personal accountability toward Him. Over the years, we've developed into the type of person we saw fit to become. We may not see all the growth process, exactly how we have grown. Also what we look at in the end before God. We may not fully discern what we are. But God knows. He interprets the data correctly and makes His final decision when he "harvests" us. Therefore, ultimately in this way, we make ourselves whatever we are at the time of our personal "harvest". The final product, is our choice. And Jehovah is the "harvester". And we are "harvested" as to whether we've developed into being the kind of persons that God would want in His Kingdom arrangement. The above Bible account shows this.

    This is also shown at Proverbs 9:12 too.

    Proverbs 9:12

    If you are wise, you are wise for yourself,
    And if you scoff, you alone will bear it. (NASB)

    I just don't beleive the Genesis account of what happened.

    Luke 18:8

    8 ...However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?" (NIV)


  • gsx1138

    Are you talking about the God of the Bible? Because he just took a vacation. It never ceases to amaze me the lengths that organized religion will go through to keep their members as mute and ignorant as possible. I think we see that with the Knowledge brings Pain line of BS. What better way to control your followers than to teach them that tripe.

    You must find peace within yourself. If God does have a plan then it is to leave us alone and make our own destiny. My faith doesn't allow me to blame poor descisions on a god or Devil. Our destiny is controlled by us and this life is just part of a growing process. I believe when we die we judge ourselves from a different perspective. To believe that some entity is waiting to judge us is nothing more than a fear tactic. Of course if you insist on being christian then Judgement is what you have to look forward to. Judgement by an imperfect God who has already wiped out all evil from the earth (the flood) but here it is again. As you stated, what does this say about God?

  • beckyboop

    Siddha and GSX,

    Thanks, I'll have to side with you two. Why continue putting faith in a "God" who has allowed thousands of years to pass where millions have died--just to prove he's right?!? Sounds sick to me! I prefer to think that WE have the capability to change things, and that WE choose how to live. By letting go of the fear of being JUDGED (hell, armageddon etc.), we move forward in life and truly treat others how we'd like to be treated. And it's based in true love, not fear of being punished. I ALWAYS HATED the perpetual feeling of never being good enough.


  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    I ALWAYS HATED the perpetual feeling of never being good enough. hate it, that's reasonable....but what does that have to do with God...sounds more like false religion.

  • safe4kids

    Does God really care?



  • rem
    Does God Really Care?

    Do elves really care?


    Edited by - rem on 19 June 2002 22:12:58

  • kes152

    Dearest Ken P.

    Its been a while... how have you been? I understand where you are coming from on your posts, and here is what I have been granted to share with you.

    you asked:

    Is he really in touch with the earth at all?

    Yes, he is, he sent his Son to BEG the sons of Adam (us) to listen to his voice. He has called out.. and KEEPS calling out to us directly "from the heavens." Those who hear his voice and follow after his voice, are cared for by Him.

    Proverbs 1:21-24
    Hebrews 12:25
    Hebrews 1:2

    How much trouble would it be for him to bring a rain in Colorado to stop the fires and save the houses of those people?

    Not any trouble at all, for "even the storms and wind obey him." But, when he has warned and warns man of the coming doom... why do they not listen? Why do they contend and say "there is NO danger.. we DON'T have to listen to you!" Would they learn from their disobedience if they consistently REFUSE to heed the warnings? Many 'men' have to learn the hard way and have disasters approach them in order for them to realize that they DO need to 'listen.'

    Proverbs 1:24-32

    Oh, well, if He's going to kill them all, I don't guess it makes any difference anyway

    Who said God was going to do the killing? God is Life.. he makes the "dead" alive. There is "another" who desires the Death of men.. he is the Father of our Adversary. He is the One who is looking forward to consuming the life out of man.. whom Satan gathers for that One.

    Genesis 1:2-4
    John 1:3, 4

    What you are saying is just quelch your brain, have faith in something that can't be explained and be happy?

    God is not asking for us to do that. He is offering us "evident DEMONSTRATIONS of the realities" so that we may put faith in Him. Anyone who beholds these realities and puts faith in the thing 'heard' will safeguard themselves for everlasting life. They will not only know.. but FEEL God's care for them through the hand of the Son of God.

    Psalms 40:6
    Romans 10:17
    Hebrews 1:1, 2

    Didn't he say we were made in his image? What did that mean?

    We WERE made in God's image orginally. Our parents were made without spot.. without sin.. without defect. They not only possesed all of God's qualites but also his own likeness .. spirit. It was not until Adam wanted to "know BAD" and partook of knowledge that did not yet belong to him, that we no longer existed in God's image. Adam sold us into slavery to sin and Death. We ceased to be in God's image and came to be in Adam's image, one of sin, disobedience, rebelliousness, and Death. Anyone who accepts the free gift of holy spirit will eventually SHED off Adam's image and be made into God's image.

    Genesis 3:22
    1 Corinthians 15:49

    Why does he want his servants killed and persecuted, I don't understand why this would please him so much, even his own son had to die to please him. How does this show so much love?

    God does not WANT his servants to be persecuted. He wants his servants to love him.. and listen to the voice of his Son. Since God loves the righteous as well as the wicked.. as a token of his MERCY to the wicked.. he sends his righteous ones to speak in his behalf to the wicked. The righteous are brothers to the wicked.. the same as Cain was a brother to Abel. Although Cain HATED Abel.. Abel still LOVED Cain. The righteous are the same. They LOVE the wicked and want them to recieve everlasting life. They love the wicked to the extent that they "surrender their soul in behalf of their brother." For no man has greater love than that. Since the righteous love their wicked brothers to that degree.. they are willing.. out of love.. to be persecuted and killed by their brothers if it means their brothers will receive an opportunity to inherit everlasting life. Such a love that ALREADY exists in God's servants.. pleases God well.

    Maybe the devil does it all, but can't God control the devil?

    True.. it is the Adversary that incites the wicked ones to HATE and persecute their brothers who love them. God can indeed control the Devil, but if the wicked ones WANT to be controlled by the Devil and hate their brothers.. God grants them what they ASK for ("Anything you should ASK in my name.. this I will do").

    My wife looks at me and says I had better be careful questioning God, or I will be beyond hope of forgiviness.

    God has set a time in which he will sit in judgement and answer ALL mankind for his actions that he has done in the earth. Men will KNOW why God did the things he did in the earth and men will know that the tiny voice that they purposely been ignoring was the very voice of the Son of God.. and that the people that were SENT to these men to bear witness to these things.. were reviled, persecuted and even killed by THEIR hands. In this day ALL men will stand NAKED before the judgement seat with nothing to answer God. Ken, your questioning God will NOT get you something beyond forgiveness. There is only one sin that does that.. and you have not committed that sin.

    Please ask... and I will tell you according to what I hear. Perhaps you will begin to put faith in the Son of God and the Holy One of Israel and need NO MAN to be teaching you at all.

    May you have peace and undeserved kindness from our Father through our Lord the Son of God.

  • Reborn2002


    With all due respect, you address Ken with words of comfort taken from only one source, the Bible, which is allegedly God's Word.

    Instead of quoting Scriptures taken out of a mythical fairy tale, why not address real life issues taking place throughout history and right now?

    How do you propose to reinforce and verify your observations when the ONLY evidence you use is something taken out of the ONLY book (The Bible) which allegedly supports your claim? Hell yes the Bible is going to support God and his mysterious, magical ways, it is a book allegedly written BY HIM.

    Use something else.

    That is no different than the Watchtower making a statement then supporting their idea by using another quote directly from a previous Watchtower magazine.

    "We are right, because we said previously we are right. (reference older WT publication)"

    Your method is in essence saying:

    "God is right, because God wrote (in the Bible) that he is right."

    Everything you have stated is circumstantial. You can claim all night about having FAITH, but none of your statements hold water.

    Ken said:

    Why continue putting faith in a God who has allowed thousands of years to pass where millions have died - just to prove he's right?

    That however is a FACT. No Biblical scholar or apologist can deny that, not even you. Thousands of years have passed, and billions have suffered and died.

    When you can provide a reasonable answer WITHOUT using the Bible, it might be worth listening to.

    Edited by - Reborn2002 on 20 June 2002 19:54:32

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