My Theory about wild X-JWs

by zenpunk 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • zanex

    I think u got this one right on the money zen. When I got df'd I went absoloutely nutz and just went from one extreme to another. I had no idea that a thing called "balance" was possible. It was either total control or total chaos.

    "pop another pill, it will all become clearer...TRUST ME"


  • gsx1138

    The funny thing is that most "worldly" kids weren't as wild as I got after I got DF'd. With all of the images the WTS tries to convey about how other people act I thought that was what I should do. Not only that, because we were so enclosed we didn't have the social skills needed to deal with all that was available for the first time. I also believe that JW's are stuck in a kind of suspended maturity that is falsely forced upon us. Once we leave, that false maturity is gone and we're left to chance.

  • slipnslidemaster

    Remember the example given from the platform of a spring. Let go of suddenly and it goes wild, let go slowly and it remains in your hand.

    Most ex-JW's fail and go back because they go wild and off the deep end. It then becomes a selfulfilling prophecy of how the "world" corrupts and offer's nothing.

    It's insidious.

    Slipnslidemaster:"There are no facts, only interpretations."
    - Nietzsche

    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America

  • LB

    Queenie you just keep picking your nose and sex will never be a problem

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • scootergirl

    oh my god, slipnslidemaster.....I WAS REMEMBERING THE SAME THING ABOUT THE SPRING! LOL....must have really been a good talk, huh?


    You know when healing's occurred when you can remember when you want to and forget when you choose.-Bessel van der Kolk

  • BoozeRunner

    Slipandslide-good observation-I agree.


  • Valis
    Thus, when some people leave, they haven't a clue about their own personal "rules system" since everything was always decided for them

    Oh I had lots of clues about my personal rules killing, no stealing unless I'm starving...try not to kill myself or harm others...avoid arrest, stay happy, make money.....hmmmm can't think of much else I started off with...but yeah I went off the deep end...

    Valis of "still off the deep end class"

    Eman brought up the concept of the Amish tradition of Rumspringa the other day where the Amish kids get to go buck wild before they commit to becoming members of the congo. They are encouraged to do so and are greeted w/open arms if they decided they didn't like Beer, Jack Daniels, cocaine, fornication, and all things worldly, but wanted to become Amish instead...JWs could take a few ques from the Ultra conservatives...


    District Overbeer

  • WildTurkey

    Hey, Im with Vails on this. Y'all know he is my hero!

  • ChiChiMama

    I agree with most of what has been said so far and have some things to add.

    All JWs are programed with a self destruct program if they ever leave the organization.
    We came from a destructive and abusive belief system based on guilt and fear.

    We were all taught that the world (that is anyone who is not a JW)is imoral and under Satans power.We are taught if we ever leave we will become wicked,imoral and under Satan's influence just like they are.

    Many still hang on to these old beliefs even if only subconsciencly sometimes after leaving the JW life.
    If we leave believing they are right about this then we become self fulfilling prophecies.

    Then we also have the power of our anger and rebellion against almost every thing to do with JWs once we realize how mislead we were.We are in pain over the loss of family and friends. Sometimes we have no where to put this anger so it comes out in a selfdestructive way.

    I do not think going wild temporaraly has anything to do with whether you believe in God and the Bible.Christians act out this way too, so don't try to say it is because of Athiest or Agnostic beliefs that this happens.I know Athiest and Agnostics with the highest of morals.

    So in summary, my theory is that self destructive beliefs,anger, rebellion,loss also play a part in this.


  • ItsJustlittleoldme


    I assume that Barbara Anderson and Bill Bowen are now "out"..

    I'll bet they are not going wild, or crazy.....

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