Do males get 'grilled' the same way women do?

by Scully 21 Replies latest members adult

  • Englishman

    Yes, males are not grilled in the same way.

    Females are often required to submit every detail of their encounter.

    It's a power thing and a turn on for some elders.

    The gals get grilled so the elders get thrilled!


  • Scully


    So, I wonder what it is that compels some elders to fish for all the juicy details from sisters?

    Lewd curiosity?? (ie, I wonder if she does anything different than Mrs Elder?)

    Power trip?? (ie, Women like this deserve to learn the true meaning of headship and submission!!)

    Vulgar carnal desires on his part?? (ie, I'd like to know what she's like in the sack...)

    This is getting curiouser and curiouser...

    Love, Scully

  • Xander

    Well, if there were three elders in the JC, I'd say....

    One of each?

    Xander F
    (Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America - Ohio order)

    A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
    --George Santayana

  • LDH

    If Obed is lurking he may wish to comment....

    I'll email him just to make sure.


  • WildTurkey

    What I have seen is, men don’t get grilled the same as women and teens. Teen boys get it just as bad as girls. When I served on those cases, I thought some elders did get off on grilling the person. I hate that I ever sit in on that! I got in trouble at 17 and they did grill me, in front of my mother for gods sake!!! Man I wanted to die.

  • Scully


    I'm sorry they put you through that experience. Thank you for sharing it with us. I hope bringing back the memories was not as upsetting as the experience itself.

    It's starting to look like the judicial committees - in these cases of individuals being "grilled" - are in a position of power relative to the person they are questioning, and use the degrading line of questioning in order to shame and humiliate their subjects, reinforce their power/authority over the subject, and attempt to force the subjects into submitting to their authority.

    When the harlot poured expensive oil over Jesus' head, did he question her about how many customers she had in the past week? Did he ask her whether or not she wore a thong? or whether she shaved "down there"?

    It's too bad that so many elders miss the point of their 'assignment', and rather than becoming more like their exemplar, they become exactly like the Pharisees that he condemned.

    Love, Scully

  • TR

    From what I can remember, more females were DF'd than males. I wonder if this is because the women won't give up the details, thus unrepentant, and the elder need to protect the male because of reputation, position, etc.


    Unseen Apostate Directorate of North America- Washington Division

  • Mister Biggs
    Mister Biggs

    I'm a male and I faced a JC and it basically went like this:

    How many times did you have sex?
    How/where did you meet her?
    What led to the events?

    I had kept it concealed for a couple of years and then I just decided to 'fess up.

    They asked me to leave the room and it took all of 5 minutes for them to "get Jehovahs's direction" in order to arrive at their decision to privately reprove me.

    However, while "serving" my reproof, we had the visit of the CO.(By the way, I had all of my privileges removed EXCEPT for field service).
    Anyway, I meet with the group for Saturday service and I sit toward the back (there were about 60-70 people going out that day). After the meeting the CO asks who would like to close with prayer. I purposely looked down and didn't make any eye contact with him. Plus, I figured he knew I was on reproof.
    Then, this happens:

    CO: "Okay, let's see. Who can we get to close with prayer. Hmm, who hasn't had a chance to offer up prayer during my visit?"
    (Looking around, seeking to recall who had already prayed...)

    Me: (Thinking to myself..."There's NO WAY he's going to call on me. He better not call on me! Do NOT call on ME!!"

    CO: "Ah....Brother Biggs! Would you like to close in prayer?"

    Me: (Dumbfounded. Does this mean I'm off of reproof? Should I just offer up prayer? After all, this is the CO asking me to pray. I must be back in good graces with the elder body and Jehovah!) My answer?:

    CO: (Shocked!) "Oh, okay. Then how about brother so-and-so..."

    After the "amen" I went charging to the CO asking him how he could make that mistake! He said he wasn't told by the elder's that I was on reproof.

    I went to the JC elders and asked them how they could let something like this occur. They apologized and said I did the right thing by not praying.

    Ah, such a wonderful organization to be a part of.


  • line6guy

    You know, I had thought about this before.

    I only sat on one JC meeting as an elder where both "participants" were JW's. Each elder was really cautious, including me, to find the details without making either the man or the woman really go into it. Actually, I was impressed by the elders is was on the JC with.

    But, it was hillarious. When talking to the guy, we were trying to find out if he was "aroused enough for intercourse." This was a very straight forward guy. He blurted out, "You mean did I have a hardon???"

    The older elder really started sweating at that "word." I wanted to just roll on the floor laughing.

    Pretty funny experience.

  • Kingpawn


    "When the harlot poured expensive oil over Jesus' head, did he question her about how many customers she had in the past week? Did he ask her whether or not she wore a thong? or whether she shaved "down there"?"

    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't know of any Scripture where Mary Magdalene (she was the one who poured out the oil here?) was referred to in the NT as a harlot. Scholars say this charge would be leveled at a woman who was becoming too influential in a congregation.

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