Prince married Toronto JW woman?

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  • StinkyPantz

    It says they were married in a JW ceremony. Don't both people involved have to be baptized before an elder will marry the two? Or does one just have to be a millionaire?


    "Keep your friends close, but your enemies even closer"

  • professor

    I can just see it now:

    PRINCE: Oh baby, I love you. Wouldn't it be cool if we got married?

    GIRL: I can't marry you.

    PRINCE: I would do anything for you baby, I would die for you.

    GIRL: Would you become a Jehovah's Witness?

    PRINCE: Where do I sign?

  • Jewel

    They wouldn't marry me and my straight-as-an-arrow-though-worldly husband nearly 18 years ago...'course he was a teacher and wasn't making quite so much money as Ex-Symbol.

    My sister was disfellowshipped for shoplifting less than $5 worth of stuff. Not that shoplifting is a good thing, but still seems that there might be a double standard

    Anybody remember that Michael Jackson was a Witness? This was years ago-during the "Thriller" era, though. I always thought it was funny that it was apparently OK for him to make that macabre video and "Billy Jean", but he wasn't disfellowshipped. Finally, when he became totally off the wall, it was announced that he'd "disassociated himself".

    Money talks.

  • Hmmm

    That's a basketball game. Looks to be Lakers.

  • funkyderek

    Maybe the magazine mentioned in his song Darling Nikki was the Watchtower!

    Bad times, hard times - this is what people keep saying; but let us live well, and times shall be good. We are the times: Such as we are, such are the times. - St. Augustine, 354-430

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