JW.bore invades my vacation?!?

by darth frosty 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • little_Socrates

    "the one on the left is my favourite one"

    "The one on the left is rather cute"

    "the right one probably have very nice tits."

    You guys make me feel so good. I am just so happy that I am not the only one thinking these things :)

  • sparky1

    "Had one CO squeeky clean Smith." - Darth Frosty

    Hey Darth..............by any chance was that CO Craig Smith?

  • Pete Zahut
    Pete Zahut

    2nd the lazyness IMO it gives to the streetwork/preaching. I came up in the era that you were not preaching unless you were approaching people

    I understand what you're saying but that comment reminds me of how old folks say "Back in my day, we had to WALK to school uphill BOTH WAYS !"

    Seems like JW's can't win....they're pushy if they approach people or their lazy if they just wait for the people to approach them.

  • finally awake
    finally awake

    I just got back from a cruise on Sunday - I must be immune to the JWs now cause I didn't notice a single one!

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    No I believe his 1st name was robert He went by his initial R L smith. A black brother who served the detroit area in the late 80's- 90's .

    He got the moniker squeeky clean cause all he would talk about was for the dubs to clean their houses. He also believed sisters should wear dresses down to their ankles with stockings.

  • _Morpheus

    You sure it wasnt R L Jones?

  • Godsendconspirator

    The sister on the left can get it though.

  • sparrowdown

    The local has a cruise-gang of about 10 of them, they go on a cruise together several times a year. They have a WT study on the ship and everything.

    I couldn't imagine anything worse, they often come back nursing grudges from the falling outs that occur on-board.

  • passwordprotected

    The one on the left is a hottie.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    You sure it wasnt R L Jones?

    No I knew R L Jones he was mad cool. I had him an smith as my pioneer school instructors.

    The local has a cruise-gang of about 10 of them, they go on a cruise together several times a year. They have a WT study on the ship and everything.

    I couldn't imagine anything worse, they often come back nursing grudges from the falling outs that occur on-board.

    EWWW...eww...thats gross

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