Your favourite dog breed ...?

by LoveUniHateExams 51 Replies latest social family

  • Shanagirl

    Great Dane

    great-dane.jpg (480×600)


  • fiddler

    I have a soft spot and some experience with odd mutts. our first family dog came to us on the way to the shelter. Even though she introduced herself by peeing on my floor (think she knew her situation was dire) my kids cries of glee when my father stopped by with Sasha were too much to ignor. Sasha was one half Dachshund, one half golden (a purebred show Dachshund) got outside and must have stood on a lawnchair but there you have it! We had Sasha for 13 years. I waited another 12 years and now have another interesting mutt and great dog. His name is Judge and he is part Red Heeler and part Shar Pei. He's proving to be a most loyal friend and protector. He does have the issues that go with Shar Pei' allergies and such. But we are dealing with those. I call him my fair skinned freckled red head.

  • talesin

    My bestest dog friend was a Border Collie, and that would be my choice. There's lots, though, that I would take in a New York Minute! Mixed breeds, or shepards, Blue Healers!, rotties or pincers, any kind of setter or water dog, poodle (lol, love the labradoodles! what great doggies, with their size, intelligence and gentle nature!), huskies and malamutes ahhhhhhhhhhh,,,,,,, puppies!



  • fiddler

    Trying to post a pic of Judge...

    Don't know how to post pics here 😕

    kaik...that dog is beautiful!

  • talesin

    Van - the rotties I have known were lovable, and gentle. One, in particular, "Woofer", was my two friends' best friend. :D We pulled into the coffee shop one day, and a 1/2 ton truck pulled in behind us, with a HUGE rottie in the back, choke collar, snarling and vicious.

    My friend said "That dog is named "Hitler" .......... he is from the same litter as "Woofer" --- proof positive that a dangerous rottie has ***ffed up people! Woofer was the gentlest dog in the world. :)) I feel the same way about Dobes. They are such wussies! ;P



  • Vanderhoven7

    Tal - Been almost a year now. So often when we come home we still momentarily expect Thor to greet us on entry...and then remember. As for nasty Rotties, as I understand it, alpha males in a litter are often sold to become "guard dogs" and are encouraged to be vicious. All the Rotties at the kennel we bought our Thor from were extremely gentle and affectionate.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Thanks for all the responses.

    Blondie - that last photo you posted is so cute!

    Vanderhoven & talsin - rotties and dobies are wussies? Great, they go on my 'dogs I might own' list. I also like GSDs and border collies, too.

    Great photo, kaik - the limb length vs body length proportion suggests GSD to me and the colour is obviously wolf. Beautiful specimen.

    TD - how did your husky/wolf hybrids behave around people, other dogs, smaller animals? Could you walk them off the leash?

  • sowhatnow

    not a dog lover but when i watched the show on PBS wishbone, i thought that jack russel was adorable, so we got one.

    fortunatuely he was a mild mannered little 'elmo' [his name] who was a good dog and calm for a jr.

    13 years later when he had to be put to rest, my husband cried harder than when his own parents died.

    they are funny dogs.

    my mom had a mini collie, which i liked, she also was cute, but with the hair, high maintainence. but still adorable.

  • TD
    TD - how did your husky/wolf hybrids behave around people, other dogs, smaller animals?

    Mine were female. (I could dig up a picture if you want) Biggest difference was that they had a stronger sense of family and hierarchy than "Normal" dogs do. They were fiercely protective of children, but could not be trusted around other dogs. Smaller animals were candy as far as they were concerned.

    Could you walk them off the leash?

    Absolutely not.

  • Awake at last
    Awake at last

    We currently have a miniature foxy who is adorable but my favourite breed is the standard poodle. I had one and he was the dog I loved the most. A bit high maintenance, but worth every minute spent.

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