Excusing the JW Child Abuse Scandals.

by Phizzy 17 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Phizzy

    My question is prompted by a post of Terry's on his own thread about a parable for JW's.

    In that post Terry shows how the standard JW response to any report of Sex Abuse within the Borg is to use the "No true Scotsman" fallacy.

    i.e "He was not a real JW".

    My question is for some time in the future, when the true, horrendous, extent of Abuse within the Borg is public knowledge, and the Cognitive Dissonance grows for JW's about this being endemic in "God's Organization" for so long, how will they excuse it, or explain it, then ?

    How will they push away the obvious conclusion that Jehovah must have approved of this going on, or He would have rectified it, not left it to the Courts to pick up the broken pieces years later ?

  • Divergent

    They would simply say that just as there were unrighteous ones in the first century Christian congregations, it is the same today and therefore we cannot expect Jehovah's modern day organization to be perfect!

  • prologos

    They feature David, a murderous adulterer, despotic evader of justice, as their big hero, a bigger hero than Jesus, a man according to Jehovah's heart as the paragon JW.

    There is no excuse for child rape, even if the bible is understandably silent on the subject, being the product of people with a starnge morality.

  • Phizzy

    Exactly my point Pro, Jehovah must look on whilst His Elders, appointed by His Holy Spirit, rape children for year after year.

    This cannot be excused as "imperfect men" within his Org. He appointed them, He approved their "two witness" Policy that allows Abuse to continue, if none of the former is true, it is not "God's Spirit Directed Organization".

    If it is true, then Jehovah approves of Child Rapists.

  • cultBgone

    Exactly my point Pro, Jehovah must look on whilst His Elders, appointed by His Holy Spirit, rape children for year after year.

    This cannot be excused as "imperfect men" within his Org. He appointed them, He approved their "two witness" Policy that allows Abuse to continue, if none of the former is true, it is not "God's Spirit Directed Organization".

    If it is true, then Jehovah approves of Child Rapists.


  • sparrowdown

    Sadly, I am beginning to think there are many who will simply not care- regardless of any evidence that comes to light.

    They will simply play the " where else shall I go " card.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    A case could be made that the organization is not applying the 2-witness rule properly. A case can be made that JWs are following it by the letter but they are ignoring the deeper principle behind it.

    In bible times, there weren't trained police investigators and forensic scientists so the testimony of eyewitnesses was regarded as the strongest kind of evidence. So the underlying principle behind the two witness rule is that a person should not be charged without there being any corroborating evidence to back up the allegation against him.

    In modern times we have trained police investigators and forensic scientists who can get at the truth of a matter without having to rely solely on eyewitness testimony. So applying the two witness rule in modern times should mean that any allegations of child abuse should be immediately reported to the police for their investigation and the findings of such a police or forensic investigation should be sufficient to serve in the role of a second witness to act judicially against the offender or to let the matter rest if the investigation can't prove it.

    Therefore a case can be made that the JWs are behaving like the pharisees, following the letter of law but ignoring the deeper principle, and in the process they're bringing reproach on Jehovah by insinuating they have no choice but to follow it that way resulting in repeated abuse of innocent children in the name of obeying God. There are always potentially 2 witnesses - if the JWs immediately report every allegation to the police for them to investigate. But the JWs have in the past decided to not opt to listen to the second witness that a police investigation would provide by their deliberate refusal to report to the police.

    The GB is a bunch of wicked pharisees who whitewash their ivory tower with the tears of innocent children.

  • StarTrekAngel

    Agreed IslandMan. What we are usually grossly overlooking isn't necesarily that there was no CSI back in those days. The point was that the descendants of Abraham where to form a true sovereign nation among the others that existed. When pulled out of Egypt, these Isrealites did not know how to put together a sovereign nation and therfore needed every single rule and principe layed out to them so that they could carry out like the other nations around them. JWs teach that we are currently a spiritual Israel, a spiritual nation. Despite this, we do live under secular government which already form a sovereign nation. There is no need for an indepedent judicial system inside the JW religion. The world has one and the apostles were ok to submitting to them. I would need to witnesses to say that my wife is cheating on me but not for real crimes

  • flipper

    PHIZZY- JW's may just start excusing it by saying that " Satan " entered into the organization for awhile but Jehovah is " taking care of it " or " cleaning out the wrongdoers " . I don't think you'll see the GB make ANY statement about it because they are in denial that they can do any wrong whatsoever. Or if the slight chance came that the WT Society DID say anything- they'd just compliment themselves on how the " elders have been instructed to root out any child molesters in order to protect the cleanliness of the congregation and protect our " young ones ". They will turn it into making themselves- WT leaders - the hero for getting rid of this " spiritual threat " to our " brothers and sisters ". I get so sick of them congratulating themselves constantly.

    When my JW nephews JW wife left him as she was abusive to him- his mom, my sister in law excused his wife's conduct by saying " she wasn't a real JW anyway. " So yes , I've heard that expression used often by JW's to excuse bad behavior

  • Phizzy

    Yup, the GB and their Regional Managers and the Elders will have to spin it somehow, and then the R&F will excuse it all.

    My only hope is that firstly, the bastards are forced to implement a proper Programme that will protect the vulnerable, children and others, and secondly that some honest-hearted JW's will find it all too much and wake up and leave.

    I do not think the numbers in the latter group will be large.

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