Ever notice how JW's can attend a talk or Convention and remember nothing?

by Wasanelder Once 34 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ohnightdivine

    Last week's convention was soooooo encouraging!!!

    They put up gigantic screens to show amazing videos and drama, and the demonstrations and interviews were a lot livelier!!!!

    The speakers were also carrying their laptops and tablets!! What a great provision and sign that the heavenly chariot is moving faster!!! Said the most popular speaker in town during his introduction to the last talk. Stupid stupid stupid.

    I stood up and never went back in!

    What a circus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes...they say each assembly or convention was the "best ever!"

    So by that line of reasoning then, all of those supposedly "momentous" gatherings in the early part of the century that witnesses go on about continuously were in reality not that important after all!?!?

    eg "advertise advertise advertise" blah blah"

  • MissFit

    I always came home feeling like I wasn't doing enough. There was always that checklist:.and

    prayer? ( yes) original, and regular ? ummm

    personal study ?( yes? does highlighting the mag. during the song count?)study for all meetings ?, look up scriptures?

    Meetings: yes. RegulAr attendance? Oops had to work some nights.

    Service: yes. How many hours. not enough..


  • Quarterback

    Kindof like when I went to High School.

    Fractions????? WTF is that?

  • Oubliette

    It's hard to remember things that aren't memorable.

    Decades of brain research reveal we tend to remember things best if they meet at least one of these criteria:

    1. It makes sense, and/or
    2. It has a high emotional content, extra points for negative emotions.

    The majority of things discussed at the KH and assemblies fail both of these criteria.

  • menrov

    Good question. I noticed exactly the same. Even on JW friendly sites, I always read the same: how encouraging, great speeches, we need to have more of this etc. Then I ask what the key points were that were so encouraging, great etc, I never get an answer......

  • Balaamsass2

    LOL- During our fade JW family would talk about how we missed a great meeting, CO visit, or convention. We would simply say..wow..sonds like we missed a good one. What were the new points? What points & talks did you enjoy? Always met with blank stares.

  • BluesBrother

    When I was an active dub I noticed this and tried to address the problem. At one time I was doing a nightschool once a week and the instructor would mainly address the class. At those classes I remained focused and could remember most of what was said. Come Sunday at the Public Talk - it just washed right over my head unless he said something unexpected

    I think as somebody said above, most of the talks are essentially the same, more than ever these days. One very experienced speaker and overseer confided that sometimes he drifted from one outline in front of him, to another one in mind, Nobody noticed because they are all variations on the same theme..The more senior the speaker these days, the worse his delivery seems to be.

  • keyser soze
    keyser soze

    There's no reason why they would remember anything. Every talk, or convention, is indistinguishable from all the ones that preceded it. It's the same rehashed, formulaic material. Despite how 'wonderful' they will claim it was, there's really nothing special or memorable about it.

  • Vidiot

    Balaamsass - "During our fade JW family would talk about how we missed a great meeting, CO visit, or convention. We would simply say..wow..sounds like we missed a good one. What were the new points? What talks did you enjoy? Always met with blank stares."

    I gotta remember that.

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