Rick Simons vs Irwin Zalkin

by Calebs Airplane 15 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • BU2B

    By the way I think both are great and there is no need to compare better or worse. Its like comparing a Bentley to a Rolls Royce! Or Fiji to Tahiti! :P

  • Simon

    I guess we dont deserve to have an opinion because we are not "trained in law" maybe we should not have an opinion on science because we are not "scientists". I am so sick of the condecending attitude some here have.

    Ignore Band on the Run - that's one persons opinion only and if someone often says things that sound like they are nuts it may not be worth paying too much attention to them.

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    It is the opinion of one person well trained. There are many law review articles on this subject. General newspapers, such as the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal, also regularly report this information. Law professors teach it to this day. Kill your intellectual class. Not a wise move. The general public can figure this out. Valid claims should be tried. Tried, not defaulted. Where were these personal injury lawyers when the law was adverse to them? I don't recall them being around until the law changed. If one can truly state that the WT's liability has changed.

  • LisaRose

    Of the two Zalkin seems more serious to me, you get the impression that he won't stop until he takes down the Watchtower. Nothing wrong with Simmons, but I don't get that from him.

  • ABibleStudent

    Calebs Airplane - They're both doing an excellent job... But which lawyer do you believe is currently best equipped to expose the Watchtower's child sex abuse scandals and cover-ups?

    Is Rick Simons retiring? If Simons is retiring, then Irwin Zalkin and his firm would be the better choice.

    Also, how many lawsuits has Simons won compared to Zalkin's firm against the Watchtower. It seems that Zalkin has filed more successful lawsuits against the Watchtower than Simons. I count settlements and judgements as wins.

    Peace be with you and everyone, who you love,


  • Vidiot

    I'll bet they're BFFs!

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