Evidence Regarding the Evolution of Cetaceans - Whales etc

by cofty 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • new hope and happiness
    new hope and happiness

    To gain a better understanding of the " evidence for evolution" i watched the video.

    I also read the friendly banter between Cofty and Kate.

    And i am like Kate, not convinced by the video, despite the " multiple facts" presented.

    Why is this?

    I think for some minds the video is neither absurd not factual, it just makes no sence.


    Ultimately, the message in the material, answerd some questions but in my case with an "open" mind and not a " scientific" mind i could not understand the video.

    As an Artist i could explain this, by saying it took me twenty years to understand what " Piccasso and Klee" were saying with their Art.

    The voice of reason and the humun mind are very different.

    It was a hard challenge for me to learn the Swedish language. Some never do it. Some do it on months.

    So for many, that video and what the guy was talking about is hard to understand.

    I think if you believe in evolution you can respect some minds dont have the capacity to reason scientifically?

    As for me i answer the question on evolution or creation with a onw word question.


  • Pistoff


    "See if you can work it out, but instead it presented everything as fact."

    I believe that is the point here; it is not a 50-50 proposition, as if there are deep wells of evidence for creation.

    To present the ideas of 'intelligent design' (creationism) as if it had equal merit as evolution would be intellectually dishonest.

    They are not in the same category at all; evolution is science, creationism is a religious belief.

  • runForever

    cofty: nice strawman. Does jerry coyne believe that a deer turned into a whale or not?

  • cofty

    It wasn't a strawman.

    Does jerry coyne believe that a deer turned into a whale or not?

    No he doesn't.

    Maybe you should read a book.

  • scary21

    Thank you for posting that video cofty. The only thing that is hard for me to understand is .........How can anyone in this day and age not believe evolution is a fact? I guess the people that deny that they are the father when the DNA comes back 99.99999 %

    I joke with my husband who believes in God and is Catholic....... " If the pope believes in evolution, well that's good enough for me " sometimes I am funny and sometimes I just get that look like


  • cofty

    Thanks Sherry- I think there are many protestant evangelicals who have no idea that millions of christians have no problem with evolution.

  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions

    There was a great special exhibit on this subject at the Museum of Natural History in NY last year.

    The evidence caused my family great cognitive dissonance - which I think is a good thing!

    I particularly enjoyed pointing out to them how over time, Jehovah created creatures with smaller and smaller hip bones until they became the vestigial ones seen in whales today.

    Jehovah's a tricky guy!

  • cofty

    Those vestigal leg bones are damned inconvenient.

    I am convinced that evolution is a powerful tool to make some JWs think.

  • runForever

    cofty I don't need to read a book when I see it coming from his mouth directly.

    23:12 it looks like a small rat-deer to me. Regardless he believes some small rat like deer/wolf mammal turned into a whale. case closed.


  • cofty

    Runforever - Whales are descended from a common ancestor of the modern Hippo. A deer did not turn into a whale as you asked.

    The evidence for the evolution of whales is beyond all sensible dispute. The strongest evidence is in the DNA but in the case of whales we also have a wonderful sequence of fossils showing the entire sequence. Most of the evolution of whales happened in Asia in the vicinity of modern Pakistan.

    Comparative anatomy is also compelling evidence. How else do you account for the small pelvis and leg bones that are buried deep in the blubber of whales?

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