Lockheed: Limitless Energy?

by metatron 20 Replies latest jw friends


    Creatures fighting for available bio-mass has always occured, and it always will. England and Portugal fought over Japan. WHY?? Bio-mass. McDonalds battles Wendy's. Coke battles Pepsi. WHY?? Bio-mass.

    Will the shit hit the fan if someone tries to cut out the oil Barons?? Of course!! There is always a loser. If we see any real change in our energy sources it will happen when those in power ( possibly the oil Barons ) are positioned to benefit from it. Just like the GB, it must be their idea and consolidate their power. It must ensure THEIR legacy.

    There was an electric car a long time ago. There were more that were diliberately crushed by the U.S. WHY?? It simply was not the right time for "THEM", whoever they are, to benefit. Don't kid yourself. A shift will occur and there will be a fight because no one wants to lose bio-mass. There will probably be a new religion that springs up from the conflict.

    History repeats itself. Thank goodness I will be dead in 40-50 years. Unless I die saving the Swedish Bikini Team from a disaster in the next 5 years....


  • Coded Logic
    Coded Logic

    Another sensationalist claim. At best, fusion technology is 30 years away.

    "There are a lot of reasons to be skeptical about Lockheed's announcement, says Mahajan, who, with a team of scientists, designed a new way to reduce waste from nuclear reactors in 2009. First, fusion reactors right now are pretty big. Mahajan says making them smaller is extremely hard to do—you need a very confined space, with loads of material at extremely high densities, and then you need to get that power out of the reactor to be used. "So it's both the physics and the engineering which are extremely, extremely daunting," he said. "We know of no materials that would be able to handle anywhere near that amount of heat."

    Mahajan called Lockheed's announcement "poppycock." He said, "Getting net energy from fusion is such a goddamn difficult undertaking," he said. "We're all aware that there's always a finite chance of some breakthrough which is beyond the powers of imagination." But if there was a genuine breakthrough, he said, "we'd be screaming from the treetops."

  • talesin

    What DATA-DOG said ^^^. It's all about the money.

    Isn't science and technology wonderful? Too bad it isn't used to fix the world's problems instead of lining the pockets of the uber-rich.


  • metatron

    I have to laugh when even mainstream sources with considerable credibility get dismissed as if they were fringe information.

    The world has known about a fusion reactor big enough to sit on a coffee table - for many decades. (the Farnsworth Fusor). The problem is that no one ever was able to make it practical. At the time, I understand that ITT shut off further research into it.

    There are many claims and contenders in the fusion field currently. Who will reach the finish line?

    I care not. Whenever someone does, the human race is liberated thereby.


  • Caedes

    The problem with fusion is the engineering difficulties of upscaling the technology. This has nothing to do with some vast conspiracy or attempt to control who makes money from it, it has everything to do with the fact that it is very difficult to safely generate and contain the plasma. If you could solve the technical difficulties it would get built because it would be hugely profitable.

    There is nothing in the article quoted in the OP that suggests that lockheed are any closer to the goal of upscaling a fusion reactor than anyone else working in the field.


    Tony Stark will become even more rich, but without helping people. Even if fusion occurs, it will be phased into society gradually as other sources are phased out. In the end, we the people, will end up paying just as much as we ever did. The greedy bastards of the world have it all figured out. This elaborate system of rich and poor has been developed over time and it's not going away easily.

    Even a revolution of earth wide proportions would simply create new greedy bastards and the cycle would continue. I think you have to just enjoy your life, learn what you can, because knowledge is power. Build a car that runs on water, 3D print your own items, have an electro-propulsive flying craft in your garage. Just don't tell anyone. Otherwise you will have a mysterious heart attack or be killed in a mugging. You can't win when the game is rigged.


  • metatron


    One company might be able to suppress a disruptive technology especially when US companies dominated the globe but those days are ending.

    I enjoy the deft sleight of hand in the above article in trying to attribute progress to GM. While they were busy crushing electric cars in the desert and denying an EV1 to even Jay Leno, the Japanese got alarmed and worked on the first hybrid electric cars.

    Kind of like attributing legal freedoms to JW's

    Like a dam bursting from too many leaks at once, past conspiracies will no longer be effective.


  • 88JM

    It could be more of a patent grab, and it depends on lithium, which is already a resource that is becoming harder to obtain.

    There are paralell projects happening though which also have a lot of promise too: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ITER

  • sir82
  • talesin

    Metraton said this:

    I enjoy the deft sleight of hand in the above article in trying to attribute progress to GM. While they were busy crushing electric cars in the desert and denying an EV1 to even Jay Leno, the Japanese got alarmed and worked on the first hybrid electric cars.

    Kind of like attributing legal freedoms to JW's

    Like a dam bursting from too many leaks at once, past conspiracies will no longer be effective.

    Wholeheartedly agree!

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