GB Doesn’t Believe in 1914 Anymore – My reasoning

by thedepressedsoul 74 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Finkelstein

    The GB still believes in 1914 they wouldn't be putting out talks and publications if they didn't.

    Why you may ask ?

    Assume it as a subjective belief but a very important one for the organization.

    Like their predecessors before them, they have been mentally indoctrinated with this bogus doctrine themselves.


    Of course people with slightly of a bit of critical thinking will realize that nothing has happen like the WTS. said it would in the past 100 years since 1914.

    What will they say in time when numerous generations have passed on from that year ?,

    My guess they will just say it was just human error, we have received new light now.

    As others have said since they probably know it might be a failed doctrine, so from that they most likely will not bring it very much from now on.

  • Listener

    They knew the generation teaching had failed and they had two choices, change the meaning of generation or change the start date of 1914. They were so determined to keep the start date that they performed mental acrobatics in coming up with their new definition of generation.

  • Island Man
    Island Man

    " Im sorry but your reasoning has a flaw... The flaw being the 15 min part on next weeks service meeting that uses a new video to explain 1914. They are all in on It still"

    Yes they are officially still in on it. But that doesn't mean they can't dump it 5 years from now.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    From the other "1914" thread about Brother Knorr and Mouthy:

    NONE of us shoule EVER forget about this horrible hypocrisy on the part of the so-called Governing Body.

    I personally cannot think of a single other religion that has totally changed (and largely negated their old) doctrines every 25 years throughout their history the way the Watchtower Society has.

    This is a tacit admission that things were so wrong that they needed periodic major overhauls, and there is no sign that the overhaul process is stabilizing.

    Hence the need to throw away all the old literature. Much of it reads as far from today's JW dogma as something from Scientology would.


  • kaik

    Problem with 1934 is the same as will 1914. It is already history, too deep, 80 years long gone, and its generation is dying off quickly as they approaching 90. My parents were born in that decade and within next 20 years this demographic will be gone. WT would be again looking for new deadline. If think after 2034, they will come with some crazy move into the future, which would skip entire century. They cannot gamble on year that tells nothing to current middle age population.

  • Finkelstein

    As it s realized what constitutes a good GB member is being a good bullshitter.

    The past presidents of the WTS were all very good bullshitters.

    Its Jah's will

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    I can see them moving to 1934. Here are some facts they would use to make their case, most dubs would swallow this hook line and sinker.

    • 1934 was the year that Hitler became “Furher” of Germany.

    • In December of 1934 Joseph Stalin started the purges which ultimately cost the lives of up to 20 million of his own countrymen. (including millions of Jews)

    • Hitler vowed to exterminate Jehovah’s people. In October of 1934 he screamed to his Reich Minister of the interior about the Bible Students: “This brood will be exterminated in Germany!”

    • In 1934 the prominent Nazi propagandist Ernst Bergmann published his work Die 25 Thesen der Deutschreligion (Twenty-five Points of the German Religion) It publicly claimed that Adolph Hitler is the new messiah sent to earth to save the world from the Jews . It also taught that Christ was not a Jew but a Nordic warrior put to death by Jews, and whose death spared the world from Jewish domination.

    • September 1934 Hitler declared that the Nazi’s will reign for 1000 years. He bragged that the 3rd Reich would be a 1000 year Reich or new Holy Roman Empire.

    • October of 1934 Hitler secretly expanded the Army and Navy and established the German Air Force. This act broke the Treaty of Versailles virtually guaranteeing WW2.

    • 1934 Inspectorate of Concentration Camps is established , headed by Theodore Eicke, laying the groundwork for the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses as well as the extermination of six million Jews.
    • Most interesting is the fact that it was in October of 1934 that Hitler vowed to exterminate Jehovah’s Witnesses, putting into place the machinery that would lead to the concentration camps.

    • Italy Invaded Ethiopia in a precursor to WW2

    • On October 7th of 1934 Witnesses worldwide sent 20,000 letters and telegrams of protest to Hitler.
  • Justnowout

    Islandman, at the risk of being a bore i will repeat myself:

    i totally agree that they could dump 1914 tomorrow and the dubbies would slurp it up, my only point here was to address the original post and point out that currently the gb is still actively pushing 1914 as a doctrine and expects good little dubbies everywhere to show people a video explaining it :) Clearly the gb are not letting it fade into obscurity just yet

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Very insightful comments done4good.

  • punkofnice

    Veryyyy eeenteresting.

    Does anybody know if the 1914 meeting(tm) part is actually in depth about the calculations or just a quick 'believe it of make Jehovah(tm) sad(tm)' item?

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