Why isn't the world a frazzle?

by punkofnice 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Anothertthing that surprisesme is that there aaren't more terrorist aattacks rrandomly hhappenin. Yes, of course tthere are the big ones we always refer to, 9/11, the lLondon bombings, oklahoma etc, but if they (whomever THEY mmight be) REALLY wanted to create terror, then purely random local football events, random train tracks being exploded, random changing rooms in ddepartmentstores, ttoiletsin mmacdonalds etc (not talking big explosions, just eenough to causeterror) would surely be just as, if not more, effective as one big hhighlyoorganised effort?

    The fact that this doesn't happen indicates to me that there

    1. Can'tbe that many loonies out there willing todo sstufflike this,

    and/or 2. The security services are doing a bang up job!

    Either way, it surprises me it doesn't happen more often , but it's certainly a good thing.

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    (sorry for my phone, it appears to be possessed by the 'demon of mischievous extra letter insertion')

  • smiddy

    Theirs still plenty of time left for it to occur .All you need is Muslim extremists ( they seem to be the worst at the moment ) their could be others taking their place in the future , who have no regard for their own life , and certainly no regard for anybody else`s life .

    Why ? because they see this life as a testing ground for their future existence in the afterlife where Allah will fullfill all their desires , and the sooner they get to that after-life the better for them especially as martyrs , killing the infedel .

    If they ever get their hands on nuclear weapons or "dirty bombs" crude nuclear weapons be very afraid .

    Excellent books on the mindset of Muslims by one who has lived and experienced it , check out AYAAN HIRSI ALI and her works.


  • punkofnice

    DHoH - I think you're on to something.

    Smiddy - How can you argue with a mindset that thinks that by killing non believers and dying asap you get a grand reward? Nutters are the real danger.

  • Vidiot

    punkofnice - "Why isn't the world a frazzle?"

    Cooler heads keep managing to prevail?

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I think there will be a major terror attack in the US.

    When the Bush family gets back in office.

    Becuase they will engineer it.

    That's what they do going back to the first George and the Cia.

    Their cronies like Chaney make big money off war.

    You can too.

    When Jeb becomes president buy stocks that will profit from war.

    Like Halburton,


    This enginerring and profiting from war goes all through history.

    It is what man does.

    And the wons with the most money control things and make more money.

    War is big money.

    Blow it up and build it up again.

  • punkofnice

    Vidiot - Hope so!

    James Brown - I am not up on US politics other than most politicians seem to be self serving filth.

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