Why isn't the world a frazzle?

by punkofnice 26 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice

    When I was a JW I had a lot of silly ideas that seemingly explained things I wondered about. Arguments from ignorance or special pleading I suppose. Actually, my conclusions were daft.

    One thing I HAVE wondered about and I don't know if anyone else has, is why man hasn't either rendered the Earth to a cinder or why there haven't been more nukes go off against nations. As a JW I thought it was that sky psycho Jehovah(tm) that was stopping the anihillation of the earth.

    Perhaps I'm still in a bifurcated JW mind set but I try not to be....sincerely.

    I know there was this thing in the 70s called Mutually Assured Destruction. MAD. Deterrant against nukes. Are the world leaders simply afraid to let one off? (Ooooh er Matron). Are they too sensible to do it? Are they all pals at the end of the day? (or even in the middle of it?)

    I wonder.

    1. Why certain world leaders that are hated are not just assassinated? I'm sure some James Bond type could infiltrate and do it.

    2. Why places like North Korea or even some western crapholes haven't sent a nuke at a country they despise?

    Perhaps I'll never know!

  • Still Totally ADD
    Still Totally ADD

    I have also wondered the same thing. What I have learned or heard about is it would only take maybe 2 or 3 nuclear warheads hitting major cities to wipe out the whole earth with nuclear winter. It may be the fear of killing yourself has stop others in using nuclear weapons. Just a thought. Mankind is at a point in it's evolution of going extinct by it's own greed and foolishness or getting past all this and advancing to a better world. I hope for the better world. Still Totally ADD

  • punkofnice

    STADD - Good point.

    I wonder if extremeist weirdos would send nukes and if the world died then they chalk it up to "The will of Allah." or some other imaginary sky psycho.

  • KateWild

    Good point punky. I just think world leaders with that kind of power know things would end up frazzled. So they don't bother.

    Kate xx

  • punkofnice

    KW - I would hope so.

    I wonder why there aren't more assassinations though too? Is security that good?

  • humbled

    It may be that multinational greed prevents any frazzling action from being taken (nuclear bombs, etc.). Multinational corporations are not altruistic or patiotic--"We are responsible to our stockholders".

    Working people who make up most of the soldiery in any nation's army, those who man the fighter jets, man the artillary guns, etc.--they only follow orders of he policy makers.

    Who makes policy? The guys with the deepest pockets.

    Tell me I'm wrong.

    Greed preserves the hunting grounds.

  • humbled

    It may be that multinational greed prevents any frazzling action from being taken (nuclear bombs, etc.). Multinational corporations are not altruistic or patiotic--"We are responsible to our stockholders".

    Working people who make up most of the soldiery in any nation's army, those who man the fighter jets, man the artillary guns, etc.--they only follow orders of policy makers.

    Who makes policy? The guys with the deepest pockets.

    Tell me I'm wrong.

    Greed preserves the hunting grounds.

  • humbled

    sorry, double post

  • punkofnice




    You are probably right.

  • jgnat

    When two tribes of chimpanzees have an encounter and they are fairly evenly matched, there's a lot of screaming, ripping of branches, and thumping of chests. But no war.

    War is expensive and disruptive for both sides. The prudent and human thing to do is avoid direct attack. The bombs stay in their bunkers.

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