the flood, mammoths, elphants, and food.

by Crazyguy 280 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Magnum

    My wife and I take in homeless cats. You would not believe the food and water we go through feeding about twenty or thirty cats (and also the medicine we go through treating them). I can't imagine the food and water it would have taken to feed all the animals Noah would have to have taken in order for us to have the variety we have today.

    The story is just so difficult to believe. What about, for example, all the different varieties of fish that are so sensitive to different levels of salt in water, temperature of the water, etc. It's difficult sometimes to keep certain fish alive in aquariums even with all the knowledge we have available today, the water testing equipment, chemicals, etc. How could all the different varieties have survived a worldwide flood?

    What about all the different types of venomous snakes, insects, lizards, frogs, birds, plants, etc.? What about the platypus, the electric eel, etc.? How would Noah have even known whether he had representatives of all the animals? How did he know what types even existed? He had obviously only experienced a small part of the earth. Did he have some kind of catalog of all the types of animals that existed? Are we to believe that he knew of every type of animal that existed in his day? We are still discovering new species today.

    I want to believe the story because I want the Bible to be true, but it's very difficult for me to believe it.

  • Dagney

    The amount of fresh water from that much rain and what it would do to the ecosystem is what got me. It's just a story. Like Green Eggs and Ham.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    here's your answer


  • steve2


  • bruh2012

    We are talking about the Creator! He could do, He could cause, He could change and accomplish anything he want. Most of all his thoughts and ways are higher than ours so we will never understand totally his logic.

  • kaik

    Majority of the mammoths went extinct during interglacial period that was between 25 and 16 thousands years ago. Some species survived in Siberia and Alaska after last glacier period which ended 10000 BC and lived until the 500BC as small version of their ancestors. While elephant and mammoth lived partially in the same era, they lived in totally different climate and had different diet.

  • MissFit

    Poopsiecakes: same here.

  • Hairtrigger

    We are talking about the Creator! He could do, He could cause, He could change and accomplish anything he want. Most of all his thoughts and ways are higher than ours so we will never understand totally his logic.

    Yeah right.

    Why the heck did he create mammoths , Neanderthals and a bunch of other creatures and then eliminate them from the face of the earth. Yet preserve their remains with the laws of physics and chemistry for homo sapiens to discover, who in turn are being eliminated every second . Never to see the light of day, or night for that matter, ever again.

    All living creatures do is eat, sleep, fight, copulate and perish. In the final equation thats is all the "creator"has programmed them to do.There is no logic in this so we see none. There is no" higher thought " manifesting itself so we don't understand. All the BS in the form of religious reasonings are just that. BS. The idea of a "creator" having a purpose for homo sapiens( which only he understands) is -like all religious thought- brought on by a desire by man to live , beyond the grave. And that is the exact reason for the quote above.

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    Even if they hibernated on the ark, they would still need to eat when they got off.


    The Ark Myth is a perfect example of the power of MAGICAL THINKING!! Dream up any wild story and a certain percentage of people will fall for it. The whole purpose of buying into these fantasies is THE FEAR OF DEATH!! All humans die. That is a fact of Nature. But many people refuse to believe that their death is inevitable. So they dream up Magical tales about never dying and 'living forever' under the care of a pseudo-parent Sky Daddy. That allows these people to sleep at night, I suppose. Like belief in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, it's all a warm and fuzzy children's story designed to keep The BogeyMan away. Sort of like hiding under the covers. But folks, it's true: Death is EVERYONE'S final destination. It's the end of our lives, forever. No Magical Thinking will alter that fact. Sorry to burst the bubble.

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