Do You Think The Islamic State Will Launch An Attack On US Soil In The Near Future?

by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Band on the Run
    Band on the Run

    Yes! There are warning signs all over NY and DC. Al-Qaeda wins if I alter my conduct at all.

  • HeyThere

    @designs lol

    Would these be the same ones who so vigorously oppose the government monitoring communications etc? I almost didn't join this convo in this way because people get But oh well. There are so many things that go on that the average Joe citizen has no idea occurs. They are working hard out there to stop terrorism, both foreign and domestic.

    All this crap going on...not Obama's fault. Is he a perfect president? Well, is there really such a thing as a perfect president? It is always easy to judge from the peanut gallery, when you don't know what is going on behind the scenes. There are decisions made, resources deployed, avenues taken that we don't know about. And we don't need to know. Why? Because people flip out, cry foul, and more without even understanding all the facts. And Obama isn't the only one making the decisions.

    Earlier in Obama's presidency, there was a crisis, I think it was the oil spill in the gulf. I would listen to the talking heads on my satellite radio during my work commute. In the days after the oil spill, said talking heads (i can't remember who but will try to remember) went on and on about how Obama was weak because he wasn't doing anything to hold them accountable, that he needed to step in a do something, fine them, etc. People were calling in going on and on about it, how Obama wasn't taking action. Well, guess what?!?! News came out the he did take action! He had been working on it to determine what to do. So they got fined, and more. So what do those SAME PEOPLE SAY?!?! Suddenly it turned to them complaining that Obama had no right, Obama shouldn't have gotten involved, the Government has no place in the private sector, etc. Etc.


    I stopped listening to that talk show immediately. Damned if you do, damned if you don't.

  • designs


  • confusedandalone

    Sounds like Islam is carrying on the same way as Chrisitianity did just 600 to 700 years ago. Killing people and having no regard for the lives of supposed enemies etc... After all Islam got its start 600 years or so after Christianity did so maybe in 600 more years Islam will be just as advanced as the Christian church is today.

    After all look at the atrocities that Christianity committed since its founding until today. They are just as bad as or dare I say worse than that of Islam. I am defending neither but it seems like people are acting as if the atrocities being committed by Islam today are so much worse than those of other groups trying to impose their beliefs on others. The world spins round and round

  • stillin

    Confused, the stakes are higher now. The weapons are massive and the rhetoric carries the weight of actual insanity backed up by the ability to deliver death on a large scale. But the root is the same, that's true...intolerance.

    Anybody here that ever reads Nelson DeMille? One of his books, "Wildfire" seems almost prophetic in its construction of the devious players on the world stage today.

  • confusedandalone

    Ok so just the Puritans vs IsIS/IsIL/Islam.

    Goals are pretty much the same and the tactics are as well. It's just the fact taht we are in a more technologically advanced time.

    The European Christians who came to America have literally almost wiped out the Native AMerican population.

    The Christians who went to Africa and wreaked havok (Islam helped as well)

    The Christians who were engaged in the Inquisition

    We could go on.

    The death toll is far higher on one side and the effects have been far worse. The problem here is that Christians are now seeing the possibility that there is a group that will do to them what they have done to others IN THE NAME OF RELIGION and they are scared. It is a scary thing when the chickens come home to roost.

    Religion is just wonderful

  • minimus

    Sept 11 is what they keep chattering about.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I don't think there will be any major attacks in the US

    until the republicans get back in office.

    Then I would guarantee it.

    Espcecially if Jeb is elected

    It will be the clown show all over.

  • minimus

    Meanwhile bozo Obama is running the circus.

  • James Brown
    James Brown

    I vote my pocket book.

    Forbes magazine which is all about money says Obama is the best

    economic president in modernt times.

    My portfolio is singing and thats what it is all about.

    But if the republicans steall the presidency again.

    I am going to gold and cash.

    And I will watch the muslim attack on CNN and Fox and read about

    how it was a republican conspiracy on youtube, and Alex Jones.

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