JW Display at the Mall

by saltiest 22 Replies latest jw friends

  • airwlk149

    yes they have mall witnessing here in sac, ca also.
    they see me and they avoid me.
    but i avoid them first.
    nobody talks to them.
    only the drunken ghetto homeless people.

  • r51785

    I've never seen them in the Promenade before. What part of the mall were they at?

  • Kenneson

    I've seen them in a booth at the local flea market on a couple
    of occasions. I just kept right on walking.

  • saltiest

    They were on the upper level by the elevator. What cracked me up even more was a guy handing out ads in front of the jewelry store a few steps away. This was around 2pm, so maybe they only go for a few hours a day, or every now and then. I had to laugh at the placard they had on the corner of the table: "Opinions and beliefs stated are not those of the Promenade Mall" (or something similar).

    At first glance I thougth he was handing out a magazine and I gave him a funny look. Then of course I realized it was something else and picked it up to read at the food court.


  • LB

    I'm sure if there were a mall in Butte Falls they'd be setting up shop. But instead they go to the next best thing. A street corner. Yep, stand there and when that car passes by every 15 minutes you just hold up your most colorful Watchtower and look happy. Works every time.

    Never Squat With Yer Spurs On

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Hari Krishnas should demand equal access.

    They have better costumes and better music - at least you can dance to it.

    If Krishna fought Jehovah on the World Wrestling Federation's Saturday Night Slapdown, who do you think would win?

  • simplesally

    The only problem with Hari Krishnas is their smell......they smell like some funky incense.

  • plmkrzy

    At the Del Amo Mall in Torrance California.
    A BIG booth

  • c5

    Bible examiner,

    LOL @ "join or die". Who ever came up with the idea was a genius. Giving me a few ideas.....:-)


    If I fail or if I suceed, at least I'll live as I believe.~~W.Houston

  • Jewel

    ++If Krishna fought Jehovah on the World Wrestling Federation's Saturday Night Slapdown, who do you think would win?++

    LOL! Around here, the question is: If Gandalf fought Dumbledore who would win?

    My kids are Harry Potter fans and though I love those books, they can't compete with LOTR. They always vote for Dumbledore and I always say that Gandalf would WHUP him...

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