I really wish there were a god, but alas wishes don't always come true.
I know there is NO GOD
by jam 61 Replies latest social humour
" I really wish there were a God". Depressing when you come
to realize there is no one up there. We will eventually be extinct,
unless we find somewhere else to live.
"it was done out of a type of ransom to put a stop to the current war but
more specifically the mass killings of innocent iraqi bystandards to US
launched missles.""Have you watched the video?"
"Who memorizes a 'prepared and read statement' like that..?"
Foley speech
http://pastebin.com/yjYChv13His focus is the US as the enemy and notably the last air strike in Irag,
which was against ISIS. He asks us to think about who was targeted, which
was ISIS, for which the US "signed their death certificate."
http://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2014/08/20/cen"tcom-pushing-for-more-iraq-strikes/14357707/It's only a paragraph of ISIS propaganda--not a lot to memorize. No mention
of innocent bystanders. ISIS no doubt claims they're they're righteous
fighters--not bystanders. ISIS has made big threats against the US--that "We
will drown all of you in blood" (I assume including non-combatants)--which
isn't a great strategy for diminishing airstrikes. It more likely seems in-
tent on pandering to ham-handed East-West prejudices to justify their own
terrorism. Not a lot of careful thought into who real victims are there.
http://time.com/3143745/isis-iraq-airstrikes-obama/ -
Islam has got to go. How you ask?
- Make an exception, and outlaw Islam in western countries.
- Bring back the Dannish cartoon writer to publish a torrent of Islam satire, with true stuff... you know like how Muhammed is a pedophile crybaby etc.
- Pay that Quran burning preist from Florida to come back and start burning Quran's daily.
- Pay the guy who made the video that supposedly caused the Benghazi attack and have him push a new anti Islam video weekly.
- Build up Isreal and Iraq, and make them strong strategic forward bases for the coming storm. Doing this has the added benefit that believers in Islam will see that their pathetic diety does not bless them by removing Isreal.
Wait until the floodgates open, and all the true believers of Islam start attacking like the medieval savage thugs that they are, and then gun em' all down. Lather, rinse, and then repeat until Islam is so broken that it just withers and dies.
tootired2care: I take it that the Quran is not one of your
favorite book. Just a guess on my part.
"Islam has got to go. How you ask?" etc.
Too general. Criticizing old text as not inerrant isn't just the domain of
non-Muslims but liberal Muslims. Compare liberal Stephen Colbert: if ISIS were
replaced with Stephen Colberts they'd actually be an exceptionally nice group.
Why would you want to kill Aasif Mandvi?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aasif_MandviTwo, as mentioned before, if we killed all the racist/homophobic etc. people
in the US in 1900 it would be very quiet here (it would get notably quieter
here even if done in 2014). An option to the Hiroshima approach, debatable at
best as an ethical solution, is to have the same thing happen there that hap-
pened here regarding LGBT people in the last generation or so (not thousands of
years)--not increase their prejudice against the West but spread information.
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_movements_within_Islam -
Why would you want to kill Aasif Mandvi?
Why would anyone? he is not one of the irrational brainwashed Muslims, who would murder mothers and babies at the local market because someone made satire of Mohammad. The people that i'm speaking of would, and these are the humorless people the world needs to worry about. They can be routed out, with unrelenting satire of Mohammad.
Destroying and replacing Muslim beliefs
Islam may appear hard, but it is also brittle. A small crack anywhere in the structure can spread throughout. Islam claims that the Koran is the literal word of God, which was dictated to, but not written by, Mohammed .
So it's an all-or-nothing cult. Any fault in the Koran, or doubts as to the truthfulness of Mohammed , can cause the whole system to disintegrate. Muslims already subconsciously realise this, because they fly into tantrums whenever either Mohammed or the Koran is 'disrespected' . Under Sharia law any criticism or either Mohammed or the Koran is blasphemy which is punished by death.
This paranoid, hypersensitive defensiveness and outrage at criticism are not the reactions of a confident belief system, but of an information-control cult. These reactions are evidence of an attempt to protect a fatal vulnerability, an attempt to cover an Achilles heel.
The location of that Achilles heel was amply demonstrated by the Satanic Verses affair, the Motoons rage, and by the OIC's insidious attempts to introduce global laws against 'blasphemy' of Mohammed . The Muslims themselves have shown us their most vulnerable spot, which is the questionable (though unquestioned) character of the 'Prophet' himself.We need to satirise and ridicule baby-bonking Mohammad until the Muslims fly into uncontrollable tantrums, then ridicule them even more for their tantrums, and repeat the process until they froth at the mouth and steam comes out of their ears. -
We seem to be back to the religion causes all wars argument . No , human nature causes all wars . In the 20th century more people died than in all the centuries before because of communist and facist ideals . The Romans did not kill people because of religious ideals but because they wanted the wealth of the world . Ghengis Khan , Idi Amin , power crazy . It is just that some people try to put a just face on their blood lust by saying that it is in the name of a higher cause .
Human nature will not change by itself . We will not evolve into some Star Trek type civilised race because religion is taken out of the picture . True Christians (and indeed true believers in Islam) are working to bring peace . As they have for years in Northern Ireland and other troubled places around the world . This never gets aknowledged though because most folks it seems only want to engage in religion bashhing and ignore the great things acheived by Christians through history prompted by their faith .
So it sounds like you actually believe the myth that Islam is a religion of peace. If you compare the Q'uran to the new testament I seriously doubt you would say that true believers of Islam want peace with non-beleivers.
"About sixty-one percent of the contents of the Koran are found to speak ill of the unbelievers or call for their violent conquest; at best only 2.6 percent of the verses of the Koran are noted to show goodwill toward humanity. About seventy-five percent of Muhammad's biography (Sira) consists of jihad waged on unbelievers."
Dr. Moorthy Muthuswamy