Last Reminder for TV Program Witness To Murder, Wed., Aug. 20th @ 9PM ET/8CT

by AndersonsInfo 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • Deceived

    I finally got a chance to watch it. Great show and so glad it portrayed how the Jehovah's Witness religion and elders had a part in this tragedy. If they had supported Kim she would still be alive. Kim went to the elders twice but they choose to believe her abusive sociopath husband rather than her. The only criticism I have for the show is that they did not portray the Elders right in that they didn't speak JW speak. End of Days and Rapture are not the way JW's speak.

    Its so sad too how Jim was shunned at his own children's funeral. No compassion at all. Also how as usual the funeral and talk makes light of them being murdered and just says that people should be happy as they will surely be resurrected.

  • Oubliette

    Nathan Natas: JWs consider the "rapture" doctrine to be part of Babylonish "Churchianity."

    Except now JW's believe in the rapture too, they just don't call it that.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    KiddingMe, et al...

    I've received about a dozen comments via my website ( that indicated that "true believer JWs" didn't buy any of the show or the book. Here is a sampling (spelling errors not corrected) ...

    "...I was told that thise book was actluly published as fiction but the arthur couldnt sell any copys so he change the story and called it facts and sold lot of copys to get rich and now he will get rich on the tv. Everry thing in the tv was just a lie that man was a jw but now he is a devil worshiper appostate..."

    "...We watched the first 10 minutes of the show and wanted to puke. I could tell it was by apostates. I called my elder and he told me that apostates had paid the cable channel to make this pack of lies. Dont you people have any decency. Are you so Devil possessed that you could make up such lies. I can tell by the name of your webpage."

    "...I heard that AWWA paid for this show to be made. You are part of AWWA and you should be ashamed of your selves. My father is an Elder and he told me that was why the show was made in canada because you can lie in canada and not get sude. You guys think you are so smart. How much did AWWA have to pay the cable company to show this TRASH"? "

    There are a few others that basically are repeats of the above. But this last one makes me wonder WTF?

    "...This show was so full of lies. Elders don't stand up and talk about things they sit around a conference table. and Jehovahs Witnesses don't smoke so her husband who killed her was never a Jehovah's Witness. Maybe he killed her because she had those children when she wasn't married and they were possesed sinners. Maybe he had lots of good reasons to kill her. Only Jehovah can judge him not some TV channel. Oh and all that lie about 1975 has been proven to be nothing but lies by apostates. Ha Ha!!!! I looked at the 1975 Watchtower and nothing was said about armegeddon. Ha!!!Ha!!! I asked my brother is an elder and he told me that and I know he knows he was alive then and remembers evertything."

    I suspect that Barbara Anderson and others who promoted the show have or will get similar responses. The good news is that I actually got more inquiries asking when the show would be broadcast in Canada and other countries - so a lot of people really want to see this particular story. My guess is that a lot of them will be Jehovah's Witnesses who will secretly nod their heads in agreement as they watch.

    This all happened in the 1980s, but remember that there was a horrific murder by an elder in Temecula, California just a few years ago. I think the family name was Jarka. I don't have time to look it up, but I think the story is covered on JWN.


  • Oubliette

    My father is an Elder and he told me that was why the show was made in canada because you can lie in canada and not get sude.

    OMG, what a moron!

  • blondie

    Even if jws had a ringside seat to all of what happened, they would choose to excuse it and not believe it...I have seen how child abuse cases go...don't confuse them with the facts. Even if they can't explain it away they turn it around and make it the victim's fault, they made the killer do it.

    The important thing is the public is going to believe that Canadian judicial system rather than the criminal thinking and ranting of jws.

  • nonjwspouse

    Yes yes yes it is the ignorant of the JW public that shows like this need to be out there!!!! Educate before they elieve the JW is just a harmless weird religion. The more the non jw public knows the better!!!!!!

  • Balaamsass2

    "Lie in Canada and not get sude" ....hummm...

    Wow Juan. I understand a lot of people are deluded or just plain stupid.....but I am amazed by those comments.

    Despite some inaccurate phrases, I think a NUMBER of JWS had some bells go off. You never know which straw will be the final one.

  • Juan Viejo2
    Juan Viejo2

    Here is the link to the Kelle Jarka murder case:

    As you read the news reports you will see that the JWs continued to support Jarka even after he was convicted. Sounds very much like the "Wolves..." story. They just can not believe that Jehovah's Witnesses can commit such horrible crimes. Everyone who mentions or reports on these cases are branded liars, apostates, devil-worshippers, etc.

    I hate to say it, but I am really getting frustrated trying to reason at all with some of these JW apologists. They don't want to hear anything that goes against the grain. That is a sure sign that they are probably too damaged by the Watchtower's undue influence, propaganda, and outright lying. I'm afraid that some of these people will just have to be written off as casualties of war between the Watchtower and truth (spelled with a lowercase "T").

    Everytime I hear or read those kinds of responses I am reminded of two events in my life that underline this exact anomaly:

    When my parents were newly converted to Jehovah's Witnesses early in the 1950s, we went to spend a day with my grandparents. My father had been raised a Southern Baptist in the "Bible Belt" state of Oklahoma just before the Great Depression and the "Dust Bowl" years. Like most Baptists they didn't go to church much but they still believed it all with a passion. Being "born a Baptist" was very much a bloodline thing - just like being Irish or German. My father and mother spent much of that day preaching to my grandmother and brought a bunch of Watchtower and Awake! magazines and the maroon "Let God Be True" book.

    After preaching to her all day, my parents were shocked to hear her dismiss everything they had told her with, "I was born a Baptist, I'll die a Baptist. Even if you proved to me in my own Bible that the Baptists were completely wrong, I'd still be a Baptist. I'll die a Baptist. I don't want to hear any of this ever again, even if you are right. I love you, but I'm not going to change my religion to get you to love me."

    All the way home that night that was all my parents talked about. How could my grandmother be so hard headed and such a hardened person to reject Jehovah? We still visited my grandparents and my parents would try to sneak in a little witnessing from time to time - with no results. My grandmother just ignored them and went on about cooking up some fried chicken and baking a chocolate cake for dinner. She never changed.

    Years later in the 1980s after I had been out for about 15+ years, I was visiting my parents who were then in their 70s - about the same age of my grandparents in the 1950s. When my father started witnessing to me and telling me that I really needed "to return to truth" - I mentioned again the issue of the failed 1975 prophecy and the changes to the elder arrangements. He listened politely but then said, "I love you Johnny, but you know your mother and I have been JWs now for over 30 years. Even if you could prove us wrong, we will never leave Jehovah's organization. We have been JWs for too many years to change now. We will always be JWs until we die - even if you could show me in the Bible that we were wrong."

    I reminded him that he was repeating almost the very same words that his mother had used some 30 years before. "I know, I know. But this is our life now and it always will be. It's too late for us to ever change."

    I really think that is the case with many JWs. They think they have no other place to go. They think that since no one else "has the truth," they should stick with the "truth" they know.

    So even when JWs do horrible things to each other (murder, spousal abuse, child abuse, outright lies, false prophecies, changes in doctrine, etc.), Witnesses will just write it off and think - "Where else could we go?"

    Frankly, I sometimes wonder why we bother. Let's support those who want to get out or who have been damaged by the WT cult. But I won't argue doctrine, prophecy or other inconsequential subjects ever again. They can believe whatever they want, even when it borders on the ridiculous. The responses to the "Wolves..." video is just another example of how completely brainwashed and damaged these people can be.


  • Twitch

    I thought the episode was rather well done overall

    Such a tragedy

  • Londo111


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