Hamas,Fatah and Israel..Why are they fighting??

by jam 15 Replies latest jw friends

  • jam

    free2beme: I knew it was something simple that I couldn't

    put my finger on. That sounds like a good reason to me. LOL

  • Dis-Member
  • designs

    Much of the Middle East is still dealing with the aftermath of the Treaty of Versailles and the Sykes Picot Agreement.

    Outsiders determining what tribes get what without much consideration for the family ties and the Natural Resources are going to the outsiders.

    What could possibly go wrong.

    Palestinians deserve better than the Hamas Leaders and the Israelis deserve better than Netanyaho and his thugs.

  • jam

    Dis-member: you hit the nail on the head, sad but true.

  • Kensei01

    Frazzled ubm..I'm sorry but the reason why the Palestinian problem exists is because their own people told them to leave in 1948 because where they lived would be a battleground and that the Red Crescent would look after them with alternative housing in Tyre and other locations. When this "deadwood" was cleared out; as the abstentee landlords who owned their land viewed them; they were turned away...by their own people. When the so called 'glorious' Arab armies threw the Jews back into the sea then they were going to be allowed back into their land; which of course did not happen. Why? Because no Arab leader or leaders were going to cooperate together for the common good. You cannot blame Israel or any other entitiy for taking advantage of an inherent weekness. Oh and by the way I have read the Quran several times and respect and admire 'true' Arab culture; not the perversion it has so readily become. I'm sorry to say this but history has shown a very sad fact: In the absense of an outside enemy..Arabs will fight themselves.

  • Kensei01

    Designs...just saw your post..you are right on the money. The British Foreign Office has a lot of blame to bear.

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