New DVD review

by Laika 30 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Ancientofdays

    This part at 45':35" is awful

    Son : let me live my life , make my own choices and my mistakes ..
    Father: do you believe that the mistakes that we have no effect on others ?
    And then begins the climax , the real epiphany in this narrative , emphasized by the musical climate ...
    His father tells him that he, as a boy , he drove a fast car after drinking beer ,
    causing an accident, the death of his younger brother .
    And after this revelation tells his son : you have to do family worship : it is NOT OPTIONAL !

    WHAT !?!?!
    The father has committed a crime , caused the death of a person.
    It ' a crime! for which you will normally be prosecuted and imprisoned.
    What to do with the son he doesn't want to make a fucking family worship
    and even knocking on doors , but rather prefer to play in a band ???
    What is the connection ???

  • LostGeneration

    Ok, I watched yesterday as well.

    The "climax" as described above was just idiotic. Basically the comparison was getting drunk and killing someone = leaving the b0rg. They kept on and on and on with the "your choices affect other people". Hidden message, "You can't leave the b0rg or you won't have a family ever again"

    Also right before this part, daddy tries a last ditch effort to get Marcus back into the b0rg. Instead of meeting any of the objections the son has, daddy's solution is Marcus should just go to meetings, in serve-us, and attend family worship "full force" for six months. All they have is desperate re-indoctrination ploys these days. Nothing else.

    Also this was brought up in Reddit, the magical negro angle.

    As usual, its kinda hilarious to see how they dress up the JWs to look like 'worldly people'. Just doesn't work.

    The resolution was ridiculous as well. Here is a guy working tons of OT, and who has his wife at work. Suddenly he sits down and works out a budget in the backyard where they can suddenly "make it" on his income alone, and wifey will get to go in serve-us more. This was before any discussion of selling the house. Pretty amazing how in JW land you can cut your income in half suddenly and everything works out!

  • undercover

    Holy Cold War Propaganda, Batman!

    Well, this tactic was inevitable. Because of the free flow of information in the modern world (Internet mostly), the doctrines of the WTS can no longer be defended in the old tried and true method - print it as truth and it is truth. It's too easy to debunk not only their core doctrines, but their everyday standards and practices. So, knowing that free thinkers and nonconformists are probably lost to them anyway, they will now strive to keep the ones they have in line with emotional blackmail, guilt and fear. TaDA! Introducing video dramas! Create a scenerio where what is normal to the average person or family is somehow falling short of keeping up with Jehovah's WTS standards. Make the viewer feel guilty, especially family heads. By Jah, we will have that Family Worship! How many husbands/fathers were squirming during this thing?

    A couple of nitpicky observations that stuck in my craw for some reason...

    Where'd they get black guys with beards? Real actors? ....or dubs allowed to grow a beard for the production? (and how is that different than being a JW actor who plays a part that requires smoking a cigarette or being promiscous, etc)

    Mom went to work a 'couple of years ago'. She got a pretty good gig for being out of the work force for 16 or more years. Went right to that board room...

    How many dubs can recite a scripture from Deutoronomy while laying on their back working on a sink?

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Did you take note close to the end of the video of the plug for donating to the WT.

    Thomas and his wife are talking about cutting back and getting by with less here and spending less there. Then Thomas mentions that there must be set aside enough of their money for 'donations'!

    WT didn't have the need to mention or talk about the Chief Agent of our lives, Jesus Christ and they couldn't work that in somehow....

    'But Gawd-Damn-It make sure the general JW population watching this video are left with an ending thought about donating to the WTBTS'!

  • BU2B

    Great points undercover. Those who are thinkers are lost to the WT and they want the fence sitters and faders out or shut up. They are working on the die hards and strengthening the guilt framework to keep them in. I remember when I was a young boy, these type of videos had an emotional impact on me with their lighting and emotional music. These people are professional propagandist just like Joseph Goebbels and they know what they are doing.

    A normal person would watch this and not see the problem. Thats the point. For the WT to survive, the normal must be BAD. Comfort is BAD

    Education is BAD Friends are BAD Playing organized sports are BAD Working is BAD

    Everything must be scary and demonized for them to survive. They are the man behind the curtain. The wizard is Jehovah. The idea of him is used to scare the shit out of JWs, when in reality he is not real, and all Jehovah says in reality is what the little pasty man behind the curtain says.

    I have seen this man behind the curtain, but my family wont look over there because the "wizard screamed not to".

    These videos are damaging in that they will pull on the heartstrings of already indoctrinated members, and drive them further in to the WT mindset.

  • sd-7

    Well, from all these comments, I'm getting a picture here. The Society's target is not the minds of its audience, but rather, their hearts. Appeals to emotion rather than reason seem to be the focus here. Even if your brain suspects something isn't right, if they create enough fear, guilt and shame, then that holds you in place. You stick with what's safe not because it makes sense but because the alternative is too frightening to contemplate.

    Man, I am not looking forward to this one playing in my DVD player...


  • Magwitch

    Marking......So I can waste 1 hour and 8 minutes watching this tonight :)

  • stuckinarut2

    This is sounding more and more weird all the time!

    HOW CAN SEEMINGLY NORMAL, SMART people sit and swallow this stuff??

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Have only watched part of it so far. The guy playing the dad looks so familiar to me... just a whole lot older than I remember. I'm sure I know him from bethel but can't recall his name. It's drivin' me nuts.

    While this might tug at the heartstrings, the first thing I see is that they aren't like any JW family I've ever met. While some JW dude may start to think, "I should do more...", it's easy to dismiss it by saying things like:

    "I'm not making tons of money like this guy. I don't have a huge house and fancy cars for my kids. We're barely scraping by."

    "My kids are not as bad as his. They aren't trying to be rock stars or running the school newspaper."

    Which, BTW, are there still school newspapers and would they write about gay marriage? Ours only wrote about ordinary school stuff like sports, parking issues, and preventing dropouts.

  • Billy the Ex-Bethelite
    Billy the Ex-Bethelite

    Some more random thoughts...

    The older son and daughter and daughter's boyfriend seem older than high school kids, both in how they look and how they talk. It just seems weird. And the daughter doesn't have her phone locked? Her brother can pick it up and start reading everything? That conversation in the car between the bro and sis was weird. Clueless to reality. The less JW we were, the better I got along with my siblings. The "break-up conversation" was really strange. She should have just said she didn't want anything to do with him because her church said he was too worldly and was going to be destroyed at armageddon. And the conversation with the boss was unrealistic.

    Obviously, they don't address the kangaroo question for Noah's ark.

    When I recall how joyfully JWs sing about millions being slaughtered "at your very side," I'm not sure what would have been on Marcus' recordings that would be worse than that. The whole story of this boy being some kind of "rap master" is completely unbelievable.

    Yeah, the "Uncle Marcus story" is dumb melodrama. All these years and the kids knew nothing about this? The "reenactment" is instantly fake to me bacause they did the shot of the supposedly racing car with the rain rolling down the windshield rather than being pushed up by the motion. A mistake like that, to me, is akin to having Jesus wearing Nikes.

    Something really weird was the extremely small cast. This family lived in a vacuum. There were no JW friends shown or even spoken of. No friends now, no indication of any friends in the past. It's like they and the couple in the basement were isolated from any other JW contact. There is absolutely no extended family here. No grandma or grandpa, cousins. There aren't even any neighbors. The ending seems rather creepy that they are this isolated, friendless family with aging children who have no plans for the future.

    The casting did seem to have racial issues going on.

    In the end, I think that with the magical negro moved out of the basement, this "new spirituality" will last 6 months, tops.

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