Mormon woman, Kate Kelly, about to be excommunicated

by designs 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LisaRose

    The JWs would have disfellowshipped her long before it ever got to this point, and anyone who had ever listened to her, never mind demonstrated on her behalf. I am no fan of the Mormons, but they aren't as abusive as the JWs in this way.

  • Qcmbr

    The Mormon church is lurching from PR disaster to PR disaster. It is making itself relevant not by meeting the needs of widows and the needy but by accidentaly standing in the spotlight while wielding an ugly anti equality whip. Proposition 8 reminded everyone its anti - gay (no matter how its spun) and now they are seen to be anti freedom of expression and thought with an underlying smear of patriarchal ugliness. This will break many more shelves before it's finished.

  • Stealth

    Kate Kelly is herself an international human rights lawyer.

    See what happens when you let your members educate themselves.

  • designs

    Lisa- Could that extra fear factor be the reason why JW women don't take up a stand for their equal rights.

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