Mormon woman, Kate Kelly, about to be excommunicated

by designs 23 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • free @ last
    free @ last

    She explains her reasons well in the video hereā€¦ JWs get an honorable mention too

  • JWdaughter

    I've never known LDS to shun the way JWs do. I have not seen teachings telling them to.. . you may find that some just do out of loyalty, but I have NEVER heard of a LDS being excommunicated for talking to an excommunicated person-that's for sure. ( I do have a lot of personal history with the church, so while ancient history to me, it was a different kind of experience altogether.)

  • Quarterback

    Hmmm, interesting. Evidently homosexuality has made a breakthrough in the LDS. Marie Osmond has praised her daughter for being gay, openly on TV and she is still respected as a mormon.

    So, allowing women to hold some leadership is not?

    When did the LDS cave in on the Gay issue?

  • JWdaughter

    The letter said that she couldn't hold office, pay tithes or offerings or teach or go to the temple. It says nothing about being shunned from fellowship. I read the letter, and for all that one would disagree with him, he was kind about what he was doing and he wasn't ashamed to say his reasoning. This differs from the WT subterfuge in DF'ing,which I have less respect for. He left the door open and there was really no mystery about what she has to do to "qualify" for consideration to be baptised again (should she actually WANT to).

    While I think they are misguided for trying to shut her down, they aren't playing games with her. And there are a LOT of LDS folks who will still be inviting her family to picnics this summer, she will likely still go to the ward/stake events for pioneer day and will probably be providing a covered dish for any appropriate events that are in her ward. She won't be teaching sunday school, give a testimony, do baptisms or anything at the temple or run the relief society.

    She will have a lot more time to practice international civil rights law.

  • designs

    The LDS Church threw their weight and money behind Prop 8 in California the anti-same sex marriage law.

  • designs

    Marie Osmond may be getting the same privileges the William's sisters get. Fame and money will get you a pass.

  • Quarterback

    She can't pay Tithes? Wow, and how is this a bad thing?

  • millie210

    Another difference, her baptism is null and void now.

    I never understood why you could be disfellowshipped and still baptized.

  • millie210

    Another difference, her baptism is null and void now.

    I never understood why you could be disfellowshipped and still baptized.

  • skeeter1

    It is my understanding from International Cultic Studies (support group for ex-cult members), that ex-JWs and ex-Mormons make up a large percentage of the people seeking help. Very similar religions, but Mormons allow/tout big families & education/wealth. They also offer a professional mentor program within the church.

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