I saw a trolley (cart to you cousins in the U.S.A.)

by punkofnice 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • punkofnice


    Peterborough city center U.K. ''What does the Bible really teach'' displayed on it.

    A family of 3 I know were sitting on the bench just behind it. I'm not going to say anything derogatory about them as they are nice folks even if they have to shun me now I bear no malice.

    As predicted not a single person was paying any attention as they walked by. I noticed some other canvassers (non religious), were actively approaching people and handing out leaflets.

    On the market I saw the JW charity stall and again not a single soul was interested or even near it.

    I'm glad this 'urgent never to be repeated work(tm)' is being vigorously carried out by god's chosen people. God must be very glad of the total apathy involved.

  • stuckinarut2

    I saw an instgram video of several carts set up near the wild football crowds of the world cup in Brazil.

    It was being filmed by the witnesses, to no doubt 'blow their trumpet'....but NO ONE from the crowds even saw or acknlowedged them!

    They looked really silly

  • punkofnice

    stuck - Yes I agree. If this is the best they can do at 'proclaiming abroad the good news(tm)' then I'm glad because this will kill the recruitment they hope for.

    Trolley = apathy.

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes punk...Apathy for the passers by, and the witnesses! (easy 'time')

  • punkofnice

    No doubt they think they're giving a 'grand witness(tm)'

  • prologos

    it should give them an idea what shunning ultimately feels like.

  • KateWild

    Why didn't you greet them politely punk?

    They are everywhere here in Liverpool. I have spoken to them 3 times in the last week. Nothing too dramatic, just my close friend, and an elder that hates me. They have got the elders out in force. I will just carry on and talk to whom ever I please.

    My line is "I have just lost faith in the holy spirit right now due to the injustices I have experienced"

    I am slowly spreading the word that there is no holy spirit.

    Kate xx

  • punkofnice

    pro - Nice one

  • blondie

    So are jws told officially by the WTS not to approach people to talk to them?

    *** km 6/11 p. 2 par. 2 Street Witnessing That Is Effective ***

    Take the Initiative: It is generally better to approach individuals rather than to stand or sit in one place waiting for passersby to approach you. Smile, make eye contact, and have a calm, friendly manner. If you are working with other publishers, it is usually best to approach people separately. Initiative is also needed to follow up on the interest that you find. If appropriate, at the end of the conversation, kindly ask how you may contact the person again. Some publishers do street work regularly at the same location, enabling them to speak to the same people repeatedly and further their interest.

    *** km 10/12 p. 3 par. 6 Use Tracts to Spread the Good News ***

    Street Witnessing: Have you used tracts in street witnessing? Some passersby are in a hurry and not inclined to stop to converse with us. It may be difficult to determine their level of interest. Instead of handing them the latest magazines without knowing whether they will read them, why not give them a tract instead? Because the cover is appealing and the message is brief, curiosity may move people to read the tract when they have a few minutes. Of course, if they are not in a hurry, we can discuss some of the contents of the tract with them.

  • punkofnice

    Kate -

    Why didn't you greet them politely punk?

    Couldn't be arsed tbh

    Blondie - Aha, so that 'initiative' must be old light(tm) now then.

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