Ensure that you dont appear to be Negative , Unhappy or Bitter

by stuckinarut2 25 Replies latest jw experiences

  • DJS


    I agree. I understand Talesin on this, but your'e correct in not faking it. I encouraged my children to show the Dubs, whenever they ran into them, to be positive and talk about the successful things they were doing. Avoiding the borgians (one was never baptized and the other wasn't DFed) or acting hurt/angry/aloof when around them sends the borg the message that you aren't happy because you don't have Jah and the borg. My daughter had a lot of justifiable angst towards the Borg but the Dubs she typically ran in to didn't know or have anything to do with the ugliness she experienced.

    It is how I respond to all Dubs. I am kind, positive and if I get a chance to talk about my successes I do so. Even when they come to my door in the preaching work (and after 20 years I don't think most of them even associate my home with an ex-Dub), I am kind, thank them and simply tell them I'm not interested.

  • cantleave

    I am always a miserable sod!

  • talesin

    I was merely expressing my own feelings, but since it's become a discussion point, let me pose a question to stimulate thought.

    So, your wife just left you, and you are in and out of the hospital with a major illness, and in a lot of misery.

    Your JW parents are still in your life, urging you to come back to the KH, and they will help!

    Do you pretend to be happy?

    "Oh no, life is fine! You know I've always loved Kraft Dinner, and I have the internet, so I'm never lonely. I can get by without that expensive pain medication. It's all right ... I don't need your help."

    This is what I mean by being real. No, I will not hide the reality of my life. That it has ups and downs. I have always said I am happy with the choices I made. I'm happy to be free, and wake up ready to face life each day. I'm just not gonna pretend to anyone, ever again, that my life is perfect.

    You need not agree. We are all different, and that is one of the beautiful things about freedom.


  • Kensei01

    I have been experiencing 'preemptive' shunning for about three years now. When I do talk to jw I know I always try to appear positive and upbeat if I can; of course that's not always possible. However I try to not appear angry or anything like that if I can. One thing I do say in reply to 'we miss you' is nicely point out that they know my phone number and address; and I have never received any info regarding if they 'miss' me or not. Always said with a smile.

  • quellycatface

    I would have to agree. When I speak or see my mum, I have to remain totally positive, otherwise she'll start!!

    Witnesses tend to blame everything on Satan and the demons, rather than taking life as it comes.

    Man's gotta do what a man's gotta do.


    We know that the org loves to paint all those who fade or leave as "Negative, Bitter and Unhappy"...because of course "the truth is the happiest way to live"

    So, never allow ourselves to be that way when talking with witnesses, or family members still in.

    Show them that we are happy, our lives are fulfilled and positive......stuckinarut2

    Yeah,well..... Good Luck With That!..

    I`ve never met a JW that Believes,"Anyone" is Happy Outside the WBT$..


    .......Life Is Great Outside The WBT$!!................You Just Say That To 'Piss Off" JWs..And.......

    ..............I`m So Friggin Happy!!.....................................Make the WBT$ Look Bad!!..


    ............................................................  photo mutley-ani1.gif...OUTLAW

  • twice shy
    twice shy

    I get the points stuck and tal made.

    It's still a catch 22. If you were in and unhappy about a particular event you would get " unforseen occurences befall us all" speech. If you are out it's because you are in satan's world and don't have GOD's spirit. Another Double standard.

    I do me. Somedays are happier than others, but all days are happier than when I was being brainwashed daily and in constant flux.

    No day is perfect. Each day (not religious standing) comes with it's own anxieties, but being out comes with a free joy that can't be compared to anything felt in the so-called truth.


    Well I can't please everyone. I cant be fake, and I can't lie anymore. It's no way to live.

  • LisaRose

    I posted on another board for a while. When I said I was happier since leaving the lie, I was accused of making it up. They constantly asked ridiculous questions, along the line of "how long have you been beating your husband?" It didn't matter what I said, they simply didn't believe me.

    The cognitive dissonance was strong in them. To believe me would make their beliefs a lie, so they didn't believe me.

  • Magnum

    I won't try to appear to be anything; I shall be myself from now on - whatever that may be. Now that I look back, I was far more real than most JWs (and many told me they appreciated that), but still, I played along at times and wasn't totally real.

    Show them that we are happy, our lives are fulfilled and positive.

    If we aren't happy, though, then we are being fake to try to appear that way. I actually could be a very happy person, but I will never be truly happy and satisfied as long as long as others are suffering. I think a lot of people are not aware of the extent of suffering in the world among humans and animals. I won't go into the details of that now because that would veer this topic off course. But the point is, I myself am a very good-natured, emotionally stable person, but I think everyday of the horrors of this world. Just knowing there's a set of starving kittens somewhere in the world disturbs me. I've seen it before; it's horrible... heartbreaking.

    So I will never 'show them that I am happy'. I 'sigh and groan' (Eze 9:4) over the horrors of this world. I fault JWs for appearing so happy as in the 2014 Atlanta International Convention video. I feel that they should be more concerned about suffering and should be doing more about it rather than building fancy buildings and being concerned about 'having the times of their lives'.

    Even though I won't try to appear happy before JWs, I will never give them the impression that I drifted because I'm weak and that I need them in anyway; I don't. If they say they miss me, I can honestly say I haven't missed the meetings, etc. one bit. If they offer help, I can honestly say "Don't offer me your help. You always let me do all the dirty work and wouldn't help when I asked for it over and over, so don't offer me help now." They will never get from me the impression that my life is empty because of leaving them, that I somehow need them, but they will also not get from me the impression that I'm totally happy because, as described above, I'm not.

    They ruined the prime of my life. I want them to know that. My life is hard now because of my believing and acting upon their false prophecy. I want them to know that. If they want to call me bitter for that, then so be it. If they do, I sure hope they say it to my face because I'd relish the opportunity to argue the point with them. I'm a very logical arguer, and I would not let them change the subject or use any of their diversionary tactics. I would bury them.

    So, stuckinarut2, I appreciate the spirit of what you're saying, but that method ain't for me. I left the phoniness behind with the JWs. They're getting the real deal with me.

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