I am on the edge of a freak out ..... I think???

by DATA-DOG 72 Replies latest jw friends


    In light of that idiotic JW video, how can you even pretend to be a Witness? My advice is to just tell your wife that based on that video, you are going to discontinue going to meetings, field service, etc. Just Stop Going (TM). Tell her she is free to continue attending but you are backing out. Don't be critical of the GB or JW doctrine. If the elders push for an explanation or want to question you, just say 'iI don't want to discuss the matter. It is my personal business. Don't contact me again unless I request it.'. So it will be a win-win....you get to be free of Watchtower BS, and your wife still gets to do her JW activities. Tell her that's how it will be. End of discussion. Good luck!!

  • yadda yadda 2
    yadda yadda 2

    Just relax, stop thinking about it, do something else non-JW. You're a good man trying to be a good father and husband and provider. Don't let this brainwashing, doomsday, money-grabbing and soul-sapping vampire cult get you down. Stay calm, ride out your wife's silly, superstitious emotional rants, and be the pillar. Take your family to a movie or outing, just gently reintegrate into normal human, family life, take a breath and let a few days go by. And give lots of love and hugs.

  • BluePill2

    DATA-DOG: I always enjoy your postings here (you had many funny and clear crisp comments, so you are NOT insane). You remind me of myself. I was still at Bethel and screamed at god (saying the same thing - KILL ME NOW!) and also screamed at Satan. Neither one of them appeared or did anything. I also went throught the "wanting to blow my head off" - more than once.

    Here is the point:

    - Don't do anything stupid! You will be around looooong after leaving the WT (you will, believe me, you will). Your daughter needs you one day to tell it how it really was (like mine. I haven't seen my daughter for 3 years now, it is extremely hard and I wake up many times in tears and sweating, BUT it is bearable). Humans adapt to a lot of shit!

    - Myself: avoided meds at all costs. It will cloud my mind and make me dependent. I enjoyed a lot to get a better grip on my mind. This website helped a lot (if you think something is "psycho-mumbo" or "spiritual-crap" than discard it - that is the beauty of being mentally out and starting to think critically): http://www.calmdownmind.com/

    In a nutshell: Don't try to control your thoughts ("What you resist, will persist") - let them free flow and become an observer of your own mind (the anxiety levels really, really went down! Unbelievable, I never experienced these levels of mental peace as a JW), in due time you will experience a more balanced and very clear, focused mind. Very powerful stuff.

    Big hug old friend. Hang in there. Stay tuned with us. We all have gone more or less through the same, you are normal and will get back to normal. Being in the cult drives us crazy (yes, conventions are the worst time of the year)

  • BluePill2

    HAD to post again, Yadda Yadda 2 this was Golden! Perfect definition for the Watchtower creep cult:

    Don't let this brainwashing, doomsday, money-grabbing and soul-sapping vampire cult get you down

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    The next time your wife goes all "JW.ORG" on you, just quietly explain to her that the Faithful & Discreet Slave in Brooklyn has repeatedly made it clear that we do not need to follow their direction to be reconciled to God! The only thing that ANYONE has to do, is stop breathing!!

    To free her, you have to get her to think for herself as to what muck she is absorbing from JW.ORG.

    "Life Everlasting in the Freedom of Sons of God", said this, ".....after the beginning of his reign of a thousand years as King......Jesus Christ will make a further application of his human lifeblood - it will cancel out all the past sins of all mankind.This will be in addition to the fact that those of mankind who have died have paid the penalty of sin and thus been acquitted from sin. (Romans 6:7) ......their past sins will not be held against them". (This clearly asserts that both Christ's blood and a person's own death will wipe out their sins. This is an odious view based on perverting the context from figurative to literal = anti-Christ!)

    This view is continued in the Watchtower! 1974 10/1 p. 607; "In its broad application, it could correctly be said that one who has died has been acquitted from sin".

    "The Bible explains that at death a person is set free or released from any sins he committed. It says: He who has died has been acquitted from his sin." (Romans 6:7) w82 5/15 pp.8,9

    Best wishes for you and your loved ones!

    So John the Baptist was deluded when he described Jesus as the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world?

    Didn't John know what the G.B. knows - that a person's own death washes their sins away? Jesus wasn't necessary - according to JW.ORG!!

  • jgnat

    I think you are going to make it just fine. The WT influence is temporary and with some creativity you can help your wife's natural personality shine.

  • stuckinarut2

    Hi DD

    I feel your pain!

    I have had to go through the same with my wife...she goes through bursts of "we are not doing enough, we are not spiritual etc"

    What I found helped was when she became more occupied with something such as a work career or a form of (study, by which i mean academic, not witness study)

    This helped her to look outside of the 'witness bubble' and see that there is much more to life than the narrow view witnesses promote.

    Or can you encourage your wife to take up a hobby she always liked? Perhaps join a club or group such as a pottery class etc.... She will then gradually develop a focus away from jw indoctrination....

    Just do it gradually and kindly so she doesn't realise you are diverting her attention away from witness indoctrination.....

  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Mister dog , you virtually spoke my mind in your rant. Ours is not the exact same situation, but it's similar enough for me to empathise a lot. Hang in there dude, you're far more eloquent and knowledgeable that I am, you'll sort it out. (I'm taking courage from this, if it affects you then I shouldn't be surprised that the same thoughts are plaguing me too... ) Take care Bro

  • KateWild

    Ahhh DD,

    I echo what everyone else has said. I feel for you mister. Try and teach your daughter critical thinking skills. How indoctrinated is she really? You might be pleasantly suprised like I was with my daughter. Work on your daughter first I say, before she gets baptised. She's not baptised is she?

    Kate xx

  • Pistoff

    Ask your wife what material things you should stop paying for, what you should sell; should the children have smaller clothing allowances?

    Should you sell your house and rent a small apartment?

    Discuss concrete things, not vague ideas and feelings (that is what the video does, nothing concrete). It says nothing practical, no middle ground, only designed to induce guilt and shame.

    Ask her if she can give up her car? Her Starbucks? Her wine?

    Get specific.

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