BOE - PDF - CONFIDENTIAL 2014-04-22 Adjustment in process for appointing elders and ministerial servants

by WatchTower87 51 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • AllTimeJeff

    With all the liability issues the GB has to deal with, and apostates. Etc, why give up veto power?

    i do know the service desk rubber stamps most of them and the COs rule the day. So if I'm wrong, I'm wrong.

    Guess that means the other rumor about the CO arrangement going away from a few years ago is officially debunked. ;)

  • baltar447

    Well, ATJ, I know you won't care lol. But the borg seems to be a parody of itself. Nothing surprises me.

  • bennyk
  • AllTimeJeff

    Baltar, if they're doing this, the asked the legal department first before praying about it. Bethel elders for years commented on those scriptures. I guess I'm just used to the Knorr era rules. I keep forgetting g this is the rebooted GB 2.0

    Wow. Think of all the COs on a power trip. If you thought the greeven handshake didn't mean anything before, watch out....

    wonder if this is true, will COs have to keep a duplicate of all the men they appoint for their records? Bigger paper trails await.

  • baltar447

    My old buddy "Ed" would be salivating over this kind of power lol.

  • BroGone

    While irregular, really the CO's have always had this authority. They could appoint an elder over the objections of the body and send in the appointment or "recommendation" and the then the branch would make the appointment official. I personally know of situations where brothers getting "vetoed" by one elder and beiing put off again and again until "next time" the CO visits for literally years. Some bodies want to hoard the power with just a few. Some feel if a brother is a poor speaker that he cant be an elder. If the brother can teach on a one to one basis, say on a bible study, the CO would push it through/ I heard of CO's asking about why a brother hasn't been recommended. Certain ones said that he needed work on certain issues. The CO asked if they had talked to him about it. They said no. The CO then told them to appoint him.

    I heard multiple times of bodies of elders deleted all at once.

    Some bodies have withered down to only a few to no elders with some having only MS's doing all the talks. I personally served as MS were we had only one elder and four of us MS's. With so many brothers stepping down the society had to make some emergency changes. There's a new July 2014 Watchtower article thats on helping new and young brothers reach out.

    I see a lot of elders being deleted for spouting off at the mouth about financial matter changes. This change is all about the society consolidating power. At the same time, if the society gets complaints about abusive CO's, I can see a lot of CO removals and new appointments.

  • lambsbottom

    I was able to download it with a little bit of waiting.

    Yeah the letter looks legit. Looks like they are using the GB as the letterhead, probably because of legal reasons.

    I doubt its fake, but maybe more Elders can vouch it is real.

  • stuckinarut2

    It seems real sadly....


  • Listener

    It does seem strange and wrong.

    They use the bible for their own convenience. I don't doubt they thought up this new arrangement and then found some bible versus to support it.

    What is really strange about this new arrangement is that the appointment is left up to only one man. They are so firm in sticking to their two witness policy and that should be a warning to them as to why leaving these appointments up to one man is wrong.

  • stuckinarut2

    Lets hope it all backfires....

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